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Why is Counting Calories so Effective for Weight Loss?

Counting calories can be an effective strategy for people trying to lose weight because it provides a quantifiable and objective way to monitor and control their energy intake. 

Weight loss ultimately depends on the balance between the number of calories consumed through food and the number of calories expended through physical activity and basic bodily functions. 

Here's why counting calories can be so effective:

  1. Caloric Deficit: Weight loss occurs when you consistently consume fewer calories than your body expends. This creates a caloric deficit, prompting your body to use its stored energy (fat) to make up for the shortfall. Counting calories allows you to ensure you're consistently in a caloric deficit by tracking the number of calories you eat and adjusting your intake as needed.

  2. Awareness and Mindfulness: Counting calories encourages greater awareness of portion sizes and the caloric content of different foods. It helps you understand the energy content of the foods you eat and makes you more mindful of your eating habits. This awareness can lead to better food choices and portion control.

  3. Precision and Accountability: Counting calories provides a level of precision in your weight loss efforts. It helps you take control of your eating habits and hold yourself accountable for what you consume. This data-driven approach allows you to fine-tune your diet to meet your weight loss goals.

  4. Flexibility and Personalization: Counting calories doesn't necessarily restrict you to specific foods or diets. You can choose the foods you enjoy while still losing weight, as long as you maintain a caloric deficit. This flexibility can make the weight loss journey more sustainable and enjoyable.

  5. Education and Empowerment: By counting calories, you become more knowledgeable about the energy content of various foods. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your diet and equips you with skills that can benefit you in the long term, even after you've achieved your weight loss goals.

  6. Adjustability: As your weight changes and your metabolism adjusts, your caloric needs may also change. Counting calories allows you to adapt your diet to these changes and prevent weight loss plateaus.

  7. Behavioral Changes: Counting calories encourages you to develop healthier eating habits. Over time, this can lead to a shift in your relationship with food and a better understanding of hunger and satiety cues.

  8. Progress Tracking: Counting calories provides a clear way to track your progress. You can see how your efforts translate into changes in weight and body composition, which can be motivating and help you stay on track.

However, it's important to note that while counting calories can be effective, it might not be suitable for everyone. Some individuals may find it too restrictive or time-consuming, and it may not address other aspects of a healthy lifestyle, such as nutrient quality and overall well-being. 

Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet is recommended to ensure that your weight loss approach is safe and appropriate for your individual needs and preferences.

The Ultimate Abs Workout

Here's the ultimate workout for abdominal muscles that targets various areas of the core:

  1. Bicycle Crunches: Lie flat on your back with your hands behind your head. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground and bring your right elbow towards your left knee while straightening your right leg. Repeat on the other side in a pedaling motion. Aim for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions on each side.

  2. Plank: Assume a push-up position with your elbows resting on the ground directly under your shoulders. Keep your body straight from head to toe, engaging your core muscles. Hold this position for as long as you can while maintaining proper form. Aim for 3 sets, gradually increasing the duration with each set.

  3. Russian Twists: Sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet slightly elevated. Lean back slightly while keeping your back straight. Hold your hands together or use a medicine ball, and twist your torso from side to side, tapping the ground with your hands on each side. Aim for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions on each side.

  4. Reverse Crunches: Lie flat on your back with your arms extended by your sides. Lift your legs off the ground, bending your knees at a 90-degree angle. Engage your lower abdominal muscles and bring your knees towards your chest while lifting your hips off the ground. Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position. Aim for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

  5. Mountain Climbers: Assume a push-up position with your arms straight. Bring one knee in towards your chest, then quickly switch legs, alternating back and forth. Keep a quick pace and perform the movement for 30-60 seconds. Aim for 3 sets.

  6. Plank Hip Dips: Start in a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Rotate your hips to one side, dipping them towards the ground, and then rotate to the other side. Keep your core engaged and maintain a steady pace. Aim for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions on each side.

  7. Hanging Leg Raises: Hang from a pull-up bar with your arms extended and your legs straight. Engage your core and lift your legs up towards your chest while keeping them straight. Slowly lower them back down to the starting position. If hanging leg raises are too challenging, you can perform bent knee raises instead. Aim for 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  8. Standing Oblique Crunches: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place one hand behind your head. Bend to the side, bringing your elbow towards your hip, and squeeze your oblique muscles. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Aim for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions on each side.

Remember to maintain proper form and engage your core throughout each exercise. Start with a weight or intensity level that is appropriate for your fitness level and gradually increase as you progress. It's important to combine this abdominal workout with a well-rounded fitness routine and a balanced diet for optimal results.

Arrow Glossary

The following glossary is not comprehensive. Indeed there are many more types of arrowheads, fletches, shafts and specialty nocks used for arrows that aren't listed here. Eg. Lighted LED nocks.

Arrow: A projectile used with a bow, consisting of a shaft with a pointed tip on one end and stabilizing feathers or vanes on the other.

Barbed Point: An arrowhead with barbs on its edges, designed to prevent easy removal from the target. Barbed points are often used in bowfishing.

Blunt Point or Bludgeon Point: A rounded or flat tip designed for hunting small game or birds. Blunt points will still kill a small target through blunt force.

Bodkin Point: A type of arrowhead characterized by a narrow, pointed tip. Bodkin points were historically used to penetrate armor or thick hides.

Broadhead: An arrowhead with wide blades designed for hunting. Broadheads have sharp cutting edges that cause significant damage to the target upon impact. They come in various designs, including fixed-blade and expandable-blade types.

Cock Fletch/Vane: Also known as the Rooster or Index fletch, it is a fletching that is coloured differently from the others to indicate the correct orientation when nocking the arrow.

Cresting: Decorative markings or designs applied to the shaft of an arrow. Cresting is often used for identification or aesthetic purposes.

Cresting Paint: Specialized paint used to apply decorative markings, designs, or patterns on the arrow shaft. Cresting paint is often durable and resistant to wear and tear.

Cresting Wheel: A rotating device used to apply cresting paint to the arrow shaft. The wheel allows for precise and consistent application of markings or designs.

Feather: Traditionally, arrows were fletched with feathers, usually from birds like turkeys. Feathers provide stability and can be either natural or synthetic.

Field Point: Also known as a bullet point or practice point, it is a simple conical tip used primarily for practice and target shooting. It is usually made of metal and has a smooth surface. Field points help prevent damage to targets.

Fletching: The feathers or vanes attached to the rear end of the arrow shaft, responsible for stabilizing the arrow's flight. Fletching helps to minimize drag and maintain accuracy.

Fletching Jig: A device used to position and attach fletching to arrow shafts. The jig ensures consistent placement and angles for optimal arrow flight.

Fletchings Orientation: Refers to the positioning of the feathers or vanes on an arrow shaft. The orientation can be helical (twisted) or straight, affecting arrow stability and spin.

Fletching Tape/Adhesive: The tape or adhesive used to secure the fletching to the arrow shaft. It can be in the form of double-sided tape, glue, or specialized adhesive.

Flu-Flu: A specialized type of fletching with large, full-length feathers or vanes. Flu-flu arrows are designed to slow down quickly and are easy to find, making them suitable for aerial target shooting or hunting birds in the woods. Flu Flu fletching is often brightly coloured (eg. bright yellow) in order to make them easy to find.

Insert: A component inserted into the front end of the arrow shaft, typically made of aluminum or other metal. Inserts provide a threaded connection for screw-in arrowheads and enhance durability.

Judo Point: A specialized arrowhead used for small game hunting. It features spring-loaded arms or wire prongs that prevent the arrow from burying too deep into the ground or vegetation.

Nock: A slot or groove at the rear end of the arrow, designed to engage with the bowstring, allowing the arrow to be properly positioned and released.

Nock Collar: A protective ring or sleeve placed around the rear end of the arrow shaft, near the nock. The nock collar adds strength and durability to the arrow and helps prevent damage.

Point/Tip: The front end of the arrow that pierces the target. Various types of arrowheads exist, each serving different purposes.

Screw-In Point: A type of arrowhead that can be screwed into the arrow shaft, allowing for easy replacement or customization of the point type for specific tasks.

Shaft: The main body of the arrow, typically made of materials like wood, carbon fiber, aluminum, or a combination.

Spine: The stiffness of an arrow shaft, usually measured in deflection or spine value. The spine affects how the arrow flexes during flight and interacts with the bow.

Vane: Modern arrows often use plastic vanes instead of feathers. Vanes are typically made of materials like plastic or rubber and offer improved durability and consistency.

Whistling Arrowheads: Arrowheads with holes cut within them and a hollow interior that make a loud whistling noise when shot. Tibetan and Mongolian archers also used howling arrowheads / howling broadheads, which had the added benefit of demoralizing the enemy in addition to wounding/killing them.

Wrap: A decorative tape or shrinkable tube applied to the arrow shaft. Wraps can feature designs, patterns, or personalization and provide additional protection to the shaft.

Javelin as a Sport, Part 2

Back in June a father asked me about getting javelin lessons for his son, which is not one of the sports that I specialize in. I did write about the topic however back in 2016. See Javelin as a Sport.

Here's the response I gave him:


That is not one of the sports I specialize in, but I do remember writing an article with a personal anecdote on the subject.

I recommend going to some track and field events where javelin is one of the sports featured and try talking to any coaches there about the possibility of lessons.

Otherwise there are YouTube videos on the subject and you could purchase javelins for him to practice with and find a safe place (possibly a football or soccer field) to practice.

If you're unable to find anyone else to help him I am still a sports trainer and can assist in his training, but I still recommend finding someone who specializes in teaching javelin.

Have a great day!

Charles Moffat

After the father thanked me it occurred to me that there was one tool at my fingertips that could also provide a good answer, so I went to ChatGPT and asked the following question:

What are the best ways to learn how to do Javelin as a sport?

And here was the response:

If you're interested in learning how to do javelin as a sport, there are several effective ways to get started and improve your skills. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Find a coach or join a club: Look for local athletic clubs or organizations that offer javelin training. Having a qualified coach can make a significant difference in your learning process, as they can provide guidance, correct your technique, and help you progress.

  2. Study proper technique: Javelin throwing involves a specific set of techniques and skills. Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals by studying instructional videos, books, or online resources. Pay attention to grip, approach, body positioning, and the throwing motion.

  3. Warm up and stretch: Like any physical activity, warming up before throwing javelin is crucial. Perform dynamic stretches and mobility exercises to prepare your muscles and joints for the activity.

  4. Start with basic drills: Begin with drills that focus on individual aspects of the throw, such as footwork, arm movement, and balance. These drills will help you develop muscle memory and refine your technique.

  5. Work on strength and conditioning: Javelin throwing requires power, speed, and explosiveness. Incorporate strength and conditioning exercises into your training routine to improve your overall athletic performance. Focus on exercises that target the core, shoulders, legs, and hips.

  6. Practice regularly: Consistency is key when learning any sport. Set aside regular practice sessions to work on your technique, drills, and conditioning. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your training as you progress.

  7. Attend workshops and camps: Look for workshops, clinics, or camps specifically focused on javelin throwing. These events often feature experienced coaches and athletes who can provide valuable insights, feedback, and specialized training.

  8. Participate in competitions: Once you've developed a solid foundation and feel confident in your abilities, consider entering local or regional javelin competitions. Competing will give you valuable experience, expose you to different conditions, and help you gauge your progress.

  9. Seek feedback and analyze performance: Ask your coach or fellow athletes to provide feedback on your technique. Recording and reviewing your throws can also help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.

  10. Stay motivated and set goals: Javelin throwing requires dedication and perseverance. Set short-term and long-term goals to keep yourself motivated and focused on improving. Celebrate your achievements along the way, and remember that progress takes time.

Remember to prioritize safety throughout your training, and if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns, consult with a medical professional before engaging in any vigorous physical activity.


I then emailed the AI's response to the father. Answers like that make me realize that certain professions are doomed to be replaced by AI.

Why the Waist-to-Height Ratio (WHtR) is an Indicator of Obesity and Overall Health

There is a ratio called the Waist-to-Height Ratio (WHtR) that is used as an indicator of obesity and overall health. It is calculated by dividing your waist circumference by your height. The WHtR is considered to be a better indicator of health risks associated with obesity than the more commonly used body mass index (BMI) in some cases.

The problem with BMI is that it ignores muscle mass and bone density, by which standard even Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime would have been considered obese because of the added muscle and bone weight. Thus BMI isn't actually a good indicator of obesity.

The Waist-to-Height Ratio (WHtR) however is a good indicator.

To calculate your waist-to-height ratio, follow these steps:

  1. Measure your waist circumference: Use a measuring tape to measure the circumference of your waist at the narrowest point, typically around the belly button.

  2. Measure your height: Use a measuring tape or a wall-mounted height scale to measure your height in either centimeters (cm) or meters (m).

  3. Divide your waist circumference by your height: Divide your waist circumference by your height. Make sure to use the same units for both measurements (e.g., if your waist circumference is in centimeters, convert your height to centimeters as well).

For example, if your waist circumference is 80 cm and your height is 170 cm, the calculation would be: 80 cm / 170 cm = 0.47.

The resulting number is your waist-to-height ratio. The general guideline is that a ratio below 0.5 is considered healthy, while a ratio above 0.5 indicates an increased risk of health problems associated with obesity.

Note that having a lot of abdominal muscles (eg. a robust six pack) could also skew the results of the WHtR, but this would be an extreme rarity. Likewise someone who is pregnant should ignore their waist-to-height ratio.

It's important to note that while the waist-to-height ratio can be a useful tool, it is not the sole determinant of obesity or health. Other factors, such as body composition, muscle mass, and overall lifestyle, should also be taken into consideration. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment of your health.

What about Anorexia?

The waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) is generally not used as an indicator of anorexia. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight, distorted body image, and extreme weight loss. While weight loss and low body weight are common features of anorexia, the WHtR is not typically used to diagnose or indicate this condition.

In diagnosing anorexia nervosa, healthcare professionals typically consider a range of factors, including body weight, body mass index (BMI), psychological symptoms, and other physical and behavioral indicators.

BMI is often used as a screening tool to assess weight status and potential health risks associated with weight, but it is important to note that BMI alone cannot provide a comprehensive diagnosis of anorexia or any other eating disorder.

If you or someone you know is concerned about anorexia or any other eating disorder, it is essential to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or a mental health specialist who can conduct a thorough evaluation and provide appropriate guidance and treatment.

Looking to sign up for archery lessons, boxing lessons, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons or personal training sessions? Start by emailing and lets talk fitness!


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