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Archery Lessons for Valentines Day

Looking for something fun to give a loved one for Valentines Day in Toronto?

Why not give them an Archery Lesson for Two?

Or Archery Lessons...

2 Students, Weekdays or Weekends
$100 for 90 minutes; 3 Lessons - $290; 5 Lessons - $470; 10 Lessons - $920.

Contact to get a Gift Voucher Number and have a Happy Valentines Day!

3 Ways to get into Archery

If you have never done archery (or have very little experience) there are essentially three ways to get into the sport.

 #1. Get Archery Lessons

Obviously this is me tooting my own horn, but if you're looking for archery lessons in Toronto then I invite you to contact me to book archery lessons. Archery lessons are the fastest and easiest way to learn the sport, but they are more expensive and thus geared towards people who are more serious about wanting to learn archery in a hurry and want to excel at it.

If you have a friend who does archery they can also try to teach you, but this is often a test of patience on their part as they may not have a lot of experience teaching archery (or anything else). So when getting archery lessons I do recommend hiring someone with a lot of experience teaching archery and know what they're doing.

Speaking for myself: I have been teaching archery since 2009, and I have been doing archery since 1989.

#2. Buy an Archery How To Book

The book I currently recommend is by my colleagues Steve Ruis and Claudia Stevenson: "Precision Archery".

You can try to find the book at your local bookstore, and if they don't have it then you can order it from the store using the ISBN number... Or order it online.

ISBN 9780736046343

And if you want to go a step further you can also get yourself a subscription to Archery Focus Magazine, which gives you access to their back catalogue of magazine PDFs.

Which coincidentally also gives you access to various articles that I wrote for Archery Focus Magazine:

  • "Marketing Strategies for Archery Coaches", July 2017.
  • "A Lesson in Adaptive Archery", July 2018.
  • "Teaching Archery Through Narratives", November 2018.
  • "Rinehart Target Balls (and Alternatives)", January 2020.
  • "Archery Trick Shooting", September 2020. 
  • "Gap Shooting: Aiming for Versatility", November 2021.

 Oh and I am working on my own nonfiction Archery How To Book. So stayed for that to be released.

Note - Reading a book about how to do archery isn't perfect. Ideally you want an archery instructor, but if you don't have one then a book is the next best thing. There are other books on the subject, but "Precision Archery" is the best book currently available in my opinion.

#3. Teach Yourself / Watch YouTube Videos

I have a low opinion on the subject of YouTube videos teaching archery and while there is the potential for someone to learn that way, I firmly believe it is a bit like "the blind leading the blind" because often the people making such videos are beginners themselves.

Or if they are experienced archers they're not necessarily good at teaching it or explaining it properly.

And then there's the YouTube feuds...

For example, there are two specific YouTubers I am thinking of who argue back and forth in their videos about the proper way to do something. Just two men (and their egos) arguing.

Honestly, rather than watch YouTube videos you might be better off just being completely self taught, assuming you cannot find a book on the subject or cannot find an archery instructor.

Being self-taught really comes down to practicing regularly and socializing with other archers, because you will learn so much about the sport by talking to your fellow archers and observing them while they shoot to see what they are doing correctly, but also what they are doing wrong. If you can learn from their mistakes and triumphs it will speed up the process of teaching yourself. (Of course, you would learn even faster if you had an instructor to teach you what to be looking for.)


A combination of options #1 and #2 above is arguably the best you can do. Getting both an instructor and the aforementioned book on the subject, so you get the best of both worlds.

Or options #1 and #2 and buy a whole library of archery books (which is what I have on my bookshelves). In some cases I even have multiple copies of the same book, the result of people gifting me books that I already have copies of.

"Hey, there's an archery book! I should get that for Charles!"

And unfortunately I have copies of almost every archery book in the English language. Plus I am such an archery dork that I write nonfiction (and fiction) on the subject.

And I have 5 different books just on the subject of bowmaking and arrow making.

So yes, if you want to get really good at archery... Just copy everything I've done. Get archery lessons, buy ALL the books (even the bowmaking books), practice multiple days per week, get really good at it, learn multiple styles of archery, become an archery instructor, and of course publish articles on the subject... And start writing a How To Book on archery.


I think the point I am trying to make (again and again) is that you should either get archery lessons or buy a book like "Precision Archery". Or both.

Practice makes perfect. Aim small miss small. Have Some Apple Pie.

What is Powerlifting?

Powerlifting is a Competitive Weightlifting Sport that focuses on three main lifts. Historically these lifts evolved from a variety of strongman lifts known as "Odd Lifts", but later became standardized as the sport of Powerlifting evolved and became standardized to three main lifts:

  1. The Squat
  2. The Bench Press
  3. The Deadlift

Athletes competing in Powerlifting have the goal to lift as much weight as possible during each lift, which themselves are each compound movement requiring multiple muscle groups and are therefore challenging to do. The maximum amount of weight lifted for each of the three lifts is added together giving the athlete their total in points. Whomever scores the overall highest total is the winner of the competition.

Thus an athlete could potentially score 2nd or 3rd in all three categories, but so long as they score more points than the other competitors then they are the winner.

Competitors are divided into groups based upon their gender, weight and height, thus keeping the competition at a level playing field.

The precise rules can also vary on the organization, with the primary difference often being whether competitors must compete while "equipped or raw". Equipped means they are competing while wearing reinforced clothing such as knee wraps, back braces, bench press shirts, and powerlifting singlets, which are made of very thick reinforced polyester or Lycra. They aren't comfortable, but they give the lifters a tiny advantage over people not wearing them. Raw lifters aren't allowed to wear any such clothing or aids.

Ignoring such aids, the athletes need to focus on the quality of their form. Failure to execute the lifts using proper form and technique can result in serious injuries. So pay attention, it is very important that you learn how to do these lifts properly so you can avoid injury.

It is also highly recommended that you do these exercises with a spotter in case you get into trouble.

The Squat

Rack a barbell at the correct height for your stature and load up with the required weight that will provide a challenge, but if you're just starting out try to make the challenge relatively low.

When performing the squat, ensure that the barbell is located high up on the back of your shoulders, but below your neck.  Make sure it’s not resting on your neck because that much weight on your neck/spine could result in a serious injury.

When you un-rack the barbell you want to squat down while keeping your chest up, back straight and face forward until your hamstrings are parallel to the floor.  Do this in a slow and controlled way to avoid injury. You also want to be certain that you reach parallel, which is important in a competition because otherwise you just wasted all of that effort and it won't count unless it is parallel.

When returning to a standing position you want to power up quickly and lock your hips to finish.

The Bench Press

Using a competition bench press, you first rack your bar and load with the required weight.  Place your back on the bench and your eyes directly beneath the bar.

Keep your feet flat on the floor, unrack the bar and keeping it close to you, slowly lower the bar until it reaches your chest.  Then push back up to the top position and rerack your bar.

It sounds easy, but is harder than it looks because it uses multiple muscle groups to complete the motions.

You definitely want a spotter when practicing the Bench Press.

The Deadlift

Start by loading up a barbell which is located on the floor.

Keep the bar close to your feet, bend at the waist and grab the bar with both hands, keeping them shoulder width apart.

With your back straight, chest up and face forward, slowly stand up keeping the bar close to your shins.

Lock your hips (push them forward) as you reach the top of the movement – this is important in a competition because otherwise you won't be considered to have finished the lift.


You don't have to compete to get into Powerlifting. Some people do Powerlifting just as a way to stay fit or gain muscle. Some people also just like the challenge and want to set goals to see how much they can lift.

5 Bodybuilding Tips you can do Today for $0

Let's pretend you want to start bodybuilding or weightlifting today, but you don't have the budget to go buy fancy equipment or get a gym membership.

With a recession looming and rampant inflation, now is a good time to invest in BUYING NOTHING, but instead making use of the muscle between your ears to start weightlifting today without having to spend a penny.

 #1. Bodyweight Exercises

You don't need fancy equipment to do the following exercises:

  • Sit-Ups, 8 sets of 12
  • Push-Ups, 8 sets of 12
  • Squats, 8 sets of 12
  • Jumping Jacks, 8 sets of 12

Admittedly the jumping jacks will feel more like cardio, but you're still technically lifting your body during the process.

#2. Less is More, sets of 8 to 12 reps

Start with doing 8 sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise you are doing. So 96 total.

Every 3 weeks of doing these exercises you can change the number of sets and repetitions as follows:

  • 9 sets of 11
  • 10 sets of 10
  • 11 sets of 9
  • 12 sets of 8

So the volume stays roughly the same, but the focus at the beginning is on endurance, while as you progress it becomes more focused on strength. It is assumed that after 3 weeks of doing the same exercise that your endurance should have gone up by now. You should also be a bit bored and looking for a change and wanting more of a challenge.

If you're really desperate for a change you can jump two stages instead of one, or possibly progress to the next stage every 2 weeks instead of 3.

#3. Look around your home for Old Exercise Equipment

Chances are likely you already have some equipment laying around the house, possible yours or your spouse's, or roommate's. Ask if you can use the equipment. Ideally you will be looking for the following items:

  • Dumbbells
  • Barbells
  • Kettlebells
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Exercise Mat or Yoga Mat
  • Weightlifting Bench

With those you can do a variety of weightlifting exercises.

But you can also make do with other items that you find around the house. Don't have any weights? Fill a cloth grocery bag with books and lift that instead. Or a bucket of water. Or a sack of flour. Small children...

#4. Ask Friends and Family for Old Exercise Equipment they don't use any more...

Tell them you made a New Years Resolution to exercise more and are looking for donations of any exercise equipment they don't need or use. IE. Exercise equipment they probably would've thrown away eventually anyway.

Not all the equipment people give you will necessarily be meant for weightlifting or bodybuilding or powerlifting, but you shouldn't turn down anything you can potentially use for exercising. Eg. If someone offers you archery equipment, take it because archery is a great way to build your upper back muscles.

If someone gives you something that you really cannot use try trading it for different exercise equipment via Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace or similar websites.

#5. When Exercising focus on Form and Safety

Do the exercises properly. If you're not sure how to do the exercise properly consult YouTube or various websites on the topic. You don't need to spend $$$ on personal trainers in order to learn how to do an exercise properly.

Do the following:

  • Be cautious.
  • Don't overdo it.
  • Learn the correct form.
  • Be patient.
  • Start small, build gradually.


Eat lots and eat healthy. Don't be afraid to eat too much. It is more important that you eat lots of healthy food so that you have plenty of nutrients and protein to build muscle.

Got vitamins you should be taking? Start taking them daily.

Eat more often to replenish your strength and energy levels.

Avoid junk food.

Rest and recover.

Learn how to do compound lifts/movements properly.

Find a program that fits your needs.

Stick with it!

Only train 3 to 4 days per week.

Alternate leg days and upper body days / different muscle groups so that muscles have more time to recover and grow.

Take scheduled breaks.

Don't be afraid of (healthy) snacks. If you're hungry, eat something!

Practice the mindset of an athlete. Think of yourself as being "in training".

Better to eat too much protein than not enough.

Creatine Monohydrate (found in red meat), but you can also buy supplements. They're not cheap however. I swear the price has doubled in the last 20 years.

Fish Oil or Krill Oil, not only good for your brain, health, lowering cholesterol, etc, but also good for building muscle.

Best Home Gym Investments for Strength Training

Getting a daily workout in during a busy schedule is always a challenge. Between work, school, and family life, finding time to spend in the gym is almost impossible. But, since exercise is the most beneficial thing you can do for your health and is entirely within your control, you know you just have to find a solution.

One solution to this common problem is to work out at home. Creating a home gym is an effective and easy way to exercise daily when you struggle to find time and motivation. By working out at home, you take the extra time and stress of going to the gym out of the equation, saving time and money.

So make exercise easier and more obtainable by creating your own personal home gym. Stock your home gym with the appropriate equipment, and start enjoying a workout in your own home.

The Top 7 Best Home Gym Investments for Strength Training

A home gym is a perfect solution to the issue of not getting enough regular exercise, but it can be challenging to determine what equipment you should buy and which equipment you may not need.

Take a look at the top seven best home gym investments for strength training to help guide you toward creating the perfect home gym that is right for you.

Adjustable Dumbbells

One of the best investments for strength training exercises you can do from home is adjustable dumbbells. Adjustable dumbbells are relatively inexpensive yet so versatile that you can use them to work every muscle group in your body.

Another great thing about adjustable dumbbells is that they don’t take up much space. They are the perfect addition to a home gym with limited space since you won’t need as many different sets of dumbbells to account for the different weights you need. They are easy to use, and storing them is never a problem.

You can easily get a full-body workout with just one set of adjustable dumbbells. You can use the lighter weights for upper body exercises and core workouts and the heavier weights for lower body and back exercises. 

DIY Homemade Dip Station

If you’re really strapped for cash and want something that you can build yourself, try creating a DIY homemade dip station for your home gym. Dips are a great workout for your triceps, shoulders, and back, but they take time to perfect. A homemade dip station would be perfect for gaining strength in your upper body and would fit nicely into a home gym.

To create a homemade dip station, you need wood, pipes, clamps, and screws. The best part of building your own home gym equipment is making it as big or small as needed to fit your space properly. Just be sure you have all of the pipes secured tightly with fitted collars to avoid potential injury from a flimsy pipe fitting.

A homemade dip station is also used for bicep workouts such as high pulls and pull-ups and can also work as a stability bar for performing other exercises that require balance.

Workout Bench

Another simple piece of equipment that is perfect for a home gym is a workout bench. Having a workout bench will make exercises easier to complete and helps keep your posture in good form. They are easy to install and often found in yard sales, garage sales, or various online secondhand retail stores like eBay.

A workout bench is excellent for completing workouts utilizing dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and standard core work. You can use it as a stepping stool for dumbbell step-ups, or if you’re working those glutes, a bench is a great workout tool for hip thrusts and split squats.

If you want to save even more money on your home gym, you can also DIY a workout bench. Use wood blocks, foam, and sweat-resistant fabric for the upholstery to create a workout bench that is perfect for your small space.

This is the perfect solution if you’re unsure if a traditional-sized workout bench would fit into your space since you can make it as big or as small as you’d like.
Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are perfect for quick, home workouts. They are easy to use, easy to store, and incredibly cheap.

Resistance bands are ideal for strength training those small muscles that tend to be difficult to grow because you’re creating resistance against the muscle. Still, the weight isn’t so heavy that you cannot work the muscle to failure, which is important for muscle growth.

Some other workouts you can complete with resistance bands include donkey kicks for your glutes, fire hydrants for your thighs, and overhead resistance band pull-aparts to grow your shoulder muscles and bicep curls. It’s amazing how many different muscle groups you can exercise simply using a set of bands.

When choosing the perfect resistance bands for your home gym, be sure to find a set that offers a few different resistance levels, and ones that are color coded for the different weights are also convenient.

There are also some with handles and some without. Resistance bands with handles are great for arms and upper body workouts, whereas booty and lower body workouts use bands without handles.

Punching Bag
Another great addition to a home gym that adds the opportunity for both cardio and strength training is a punching bag. You don’t often think of a punching bag as gym equipment, but you’d be surprised how many muscles you work when using one. 
Punching bags are small in size, so they fit into your home gym easily, are generally non-intrusive, and are easy to install. 
You can buy a punching bag at any local sporting goods store or make one yourself. Then, using wood, metal, or steel to hang the bag, you can simply install your own for a super inexpensive DIY version of a punching bag. Just be sure the bag is secure so that when you’re punching away, the bag stays tightly in place. 
A punching bag is also a great way to incorporate cardio equipment into your home gym without taking up too much additional space, like an elliptical or a treadmill would require. Building muscle strength may be your initial goal, but cardio is also very important for a well-rounded workout program that will help keep you healthy for many, many years. 
Virtual Personal Trainer
Another home gym investment that will help you increase your muscle strength while also keeping you motivated to reach your goals is a virtual personal trainer. 
A virtual personal trainer will create workouts tailored specifically for you and the goals that you are looking to achieve. Of course, you can have all the gym equipment in the world, but what good does it do you if you aren’t using it correctly?
Investing in a virtual trainer will give you a goal-oriented mindset and add more value to the home gym equipment you have already invested in. Personal training in a gym setting is expensive and calls for a trip to the gym every day. In contrast, a virtual personal trainer creates workouts for you virtually that utilize only the equipment you have available to you at home.
Having a virtual trainer also helps to hold you accountable for the workouts and adds a bit more of a personal touch to your program. It’s also helpful when you’re unsure whether you’re completing the exercises correctly, and it can help reduce your chances of getting injured while working out.

Finally, when discussing the best home gym investments for strength training, we would be totally crazy not to include kettlebells. Kettlebells, like dumbbells, are easy to store, come in a variety of different weights, and are incredibly versatile. 
What’s more, you can use a kettlebell in place of two dumbbells in most cases, which is another reason why they’re great since you don’t need to purchase them in sets. 
Kettlebells are also good investments because they have handles that are easy to grip and perfect for people with weak wrists. In some cases, you can purchase them in different colors or styles, so it’s easy to depict which kettlebell is heavier or lighter than the other. 
Popular exercises that utilize kettlebells include kettlebell swings, lunge-to-arm presses, and teapot lifts, which are great for working your obliques! 
Before You Go
Creating your own home gym is the perfect way to invest in not only your home but also your health. You can get an effective workout from the comfort of your own home while still building just as much muscle strength as you do in the gym. 
The best home gym investments are things you can easily store to fit into a tight space, are versatile in their use, and can be made at home DIY for even more savings. 
So, stock your home gym today with these pieces of equipment for a fun, new way to work out and start seeing those muscle gains.
Looking to sign up for archery lessons, boxing lessons, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons or personal training sessions? Start by emailing and lets talk fitness!


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