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Causes and Cures for Chronic Back Pain

While many people experience back pain, chronic back pain is actually more like a sports injury like tennis elbow.

Why? Because often chronic back pain can be solved through proper form while lifting objects, more exercise, diet, sleeping positions and more.

Below is a list of causes for chronic back pain - and their solutions.

Years of poor posture

The Solution - Practice good posture when sitting, standing and even sleeping. For added benefits take up yoga to build stronger core muscles.

Improper lifting and carrying of heavy objects

The Solution - Practice proper form while lifting things (lift with your legs and your back straight), even when lifting small objects. When in doubt, let someone younger and fitter carry it for you. Wearing a back brace is also a smart idea to help prevent injury.

Even lifting small objects improperly can put a lot of strain on your back - unnecessary strain. So if you drop your toothbrush, bend over without thinking and pick it up improperly you can still hurt your back - not because of the weight of the toothbrush, but because of the weight of your upper body.

Being overweight, which puts excess strain on the back and knees

The Solution - Go for daily walks, cut back on the sweets, keep doing this until you attain your ideal weight. Also try swimming, cycling and other cardio exercises to help you lose weight.

Wearing high heels

The Solution - Stop wearing high heels. Wear flats with cushioning instead. Take up yoga to help correct muscle imbalances in your back.
Congenital condition such as curvature of the spine

The Solution - Seek medical treatment from a back / spinal specialist.

Traumatic injury (eg. car accident damaged your spine)

The Solution - Seek medical treatment from a back / spinal specialist.

Note: Sadly the above two can only be solved with the help of doctors and trained specialists.

Sleeping on a poor mattress

The Solution - Buy a better mattress that supports your back better. Research proper sleeping positions that won't damage your spine.

No obvious physical cause

The Solution - Experiment with different solutions above until you find something that works. I recommend starting with practicing good posture, taking up yoga and sleeping in better positions that are good for your back. Many people have poor posture / sleeping positions and don't realize it.

Ordinary aging of the spine (degenerative changes)

The Solution - Regular exercise and a healthy diet will keep you younger longer and give your spine more longevity. Walking, yoga, light weight lifting with proper form can all help you keep you feeling younger and build bone density.

May Motivational Quotes plus Im Dong-Hyun Quotes

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

"It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes."
- Sally Field

"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."
- Author Unknown

"I'm not old enough to play baseball or football. I'm not eight yet. My mom told me when you start baseball, you aren't going to be able to run that fast because you had an operation. I told Mom I wouldn't need to run that fast. When I play baseball, I'll just hit them out of the park. Then I'll be able to walk."
- Edward J. McGrath, Jr.

"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."
- Michael Jordan

"Always act like you're wearing an invisible crown."
- Author Unknown

Below are quotes from 'legally blind' Korean archer Im Dong-Hyun. In the quotes he describes how he does archery, despite being barely able to see the target.

"Archery requires very sensitive muscles."
- Im Dong-Hyun

"If I couldn't see the colors, now that would be a problem."
- Im Dong-Hyun

"Archery is not a sport for everyone. The equipment costs a lot, and it is not easy for everyone to find a place to play. It is perhaps similar to golf, but of course there are more golf courses than archery fields."
- Im Dong-Hyun

"I used to play football at school, and I enjoyed really physical sports, but I now try to avoid any sports that might build up different muscles. That might have a negative impact on my archery."
- Im Dong-Hyun

"For me, seeing the target and not seeing the target doesn't make any difference."
- Im Dong-Hyun

"I had a strong desire to become an archer from the very first time I tried it. I forgot my other ambitions. I just wanted to compete in the Olympics."
- Im Dong-Hyun

"I try not to push myself too hard, but I also need to perform and earn the results."
- Im Dong-Hyun

"When I look down the range at the target all I can do is try to distinguish between the different colors."
- Im Dong-Hyun

10 Ways to do Boxing more often

Want to do boxing more often?

#1. Do 6 minutes of shadow boxing in the morning when you wake up, combined with some morning stretches. Helps wake you up in a hurry.

#2. Install a boxing punching bag in your basement or garage - and then schedule 20 minutes every day to use it.

#3. Practice shadow boxing while you wait for water to boil. eg. When making coffee, tea, when boiling water for pasta, when making soup, etc.

#4. Buy an old used punching bag that has seen better days and take it with you to the cottage and take it out whenever you want to practice with it.

#5. Get yourself some portable boxing punching bags so you can practice while camping or on road trips.

#6. Practice boxing while waiting for a bus or taxi outside. Also keeps you warm if it is cold outside.

#7. Sign up for boxing lessons with a trainer (like me) or sign up with a local boxing gym.

#8. Encourage your friends or family members to get into boxing too, and practice boxing together in a safe manner.

#9. Go jogging and practice boxing while you jog. Great for your endurance.

#10. Install a homemade boxing bag in a nearby wooded area for everyone to use. A cheap way to do this is to use old tires like in the photos below.

Catastrophe! How to get back on the horse after binge eating over the weekend

We all do it once in awhile.

We go away on vacation, often for Thanksgiving, Christmas or some similar family or friends oriented event, and we end up eating too much.

So what do you do about it and how do you recover from it?

#1. Moderation is Key.

Sometimes overeating is unavoidable, but if you know you are going to be overeating because Grandma keeps pushing cake at you and you are trying to avoid a third helping here is a handy thing to say:

"I already ate two. If I have any more I might burst."

At which point grandma will leave you alone and focus her attentions on fattening up the younglings.

Having the willpower to lie to your grandmother may take some effort, but your quest for moderation will not be stopped after the second helping. The cascade of sweets will wear down your willpower, so each time you sit down and eat your goal should be to limit yourself to no more than two helpings.

Two helping of Aunt Marjorie's pie. Two helpings of Grandma's cake. Two cookies from the tray of cookies your mother brought with her to the event. You get the idea.

And at some point you should start to fill full, at which point you should reach for the water - drink your fill of water, and pronounce yourself full.

When amongst friends it may be an even more glorious smorgasbord of junk food. Chips, pizza, chocolates, candies - like a junk food filled Halloween party. Your goal here will be to avoid becoming the Cookie Monster, crumbs flying in every direction, shovelling it in two hands at a time.

Same deal as before, eat your fair amount - then drink a large glass of water and then you should feel full.

#2. Plan Ahead to Prevent Over Eating.
There are ways that you can prevent the junk food from storing as long-term fat. Amongst the best preventative measures are...

-Eat a solid meal before going out.
-Eat a good sized portion of only what you have been craving...OR
-Try a *little* bit of everything.
-Avoid excess alcohol. It will just make you more hungry. Focus on water instead and stay hydrated.

#3. Don't Repeat Binge.

Okay, so you tried moderation and prevention, and possibly failed miserably. Or maybe you were successful. Even if you were not, no biggie.

What you need to do is don't do it again the following day (eg. The Sunday after the Saturday Pie Eating Contest). Your body stores extra fat over longer periods. If you only slip once in a while, it will be burned off easily with exercise because the blood sugar will still be in your blood system for 24 hours, and balanced by good nutrition and exercise you will be fine. However if you binge again a 2nd day then your body will start reducing your blood sugar levels by storing it as fat instead. So the trick on the 2nd day is to continue moderation as much as you can. Hopefully you are still full from the first day and this won't be too hard.

Honestly, there is also a psychological benefit to this too. If you're eating really healthy 90% of the time, eating "bad" food is psychologically GOOD for you. Why work out so hard, and monitor food intake, if you can't let loose once in a while and enjoy having a sweet tooth once in awhile? As long as your calorie input is less or equal to the output, you will continue to lose/maintain weight. Falling off the wagon (or horse) is a minor setback. It's only when you are eating more than you burn on average, over the course of the week, that you should be worried about losing results.

#4. Post Catastrophe Clean Up, aka Getting Back On The Horse!

Exercise. Burn fat the next morning. You will feel better about yourself in a hurry.

Drink lots of water and herbal tea. Give your body a flush. Liquids are your friend. Staying hydrated will keep the metabolism revved, and will reduce bloating. You may end up needing to urinate a lot, but every time you do your body will be ridding yourself of excess chemicals.

Calorie cycling. Calorie cycling is just a theory, it has yet to be proven, but it is a sound theory that involves tricking your metabolism into changing itself. The technique is very simple: If you have a heavy calorie day, cycle with lower calories on the following day. Basically, just eat lighter the day after you binged. (I do a similar thing whereby I have a high calorie day every Friday, and the rest of the week is low calorie days. This way I maintain higher energy levels, but only eat excessively on Fridays when I hang out with friends.)

Eat lots of fruit and veggies. Your body needs a dose of nutrients. Fruits especially, and vegetables have a high water content, and both contain: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Fill up on good stuff.


One or two days of eating badly isn't that big of a deal. You don't need to be alarmist about it. Just get right back on the horse and don't worry about it. Stuff happens and you can't let the small stuff get in the way of your big picture.

So if you eat a whole chocolate rabbit once a year during Easter, no biggie. You will make it up through smart diet and exercise during the weeks and months and years after the fact.

Archery 101 in Toronto

Where to buy Archery Equipment in Toronto maintains a list of all the reputable places where you can buy archery equipment in Toronto. The good news is that the list includes traditional bows, compound bows, and even places where you can buy Olympic archery equipment.

Archery Ranges in Toronto

There really is only big one that everyone can use: The Toronto Public Archery Range.

There are several smaller private archery ranges at Hart House (for University of Toronto students), the JCCC (primarily for people seeking to learn Japanese Kyudo), and also at Casa Loma (which offers longbow archery lessons for small groups several times per year).

Archery Lessons in Toronto for Kids

If you are looking for archery lessons for your kids you can...

A. Ask me to teach them.
B. Sign your kids up for Boy Scouts / Girl Guides. (I first learned in Boy Scouts myself.)
C. Send your kid to a day camp / summer camp near Toronto that offers archery lessons.

Note - Finding archery lessons for kids can be tricky as many instructors don't teach kids and have a set age limit.

Archery Lessons in Toronto for Adults

A. Ask me to teach you.
B. Sign up for Kyudo at the JCCC.
C. Sign up for longbow lessons at Casa Loma.
D. Browse other individuals / places which offer archery lessons in Toronto.

Guide to DIY Archery in Toronto

For starters read the Do-It-Yourself Approach to Archery in Toronto, an article I wrote for the Canadian Daily. That will give you a good idea of how to get started and how to do archery without hiring an instructor.

Other Archery Resources

#1. The Canadian Toxophilite Society.

#2. The Toronto Survivalist Meetup Group.

#3. The Toronto Public Archery Range on Facebook.

#4. The Ontario Outdoor Magazine Bowhunting Forum.

#5. Buy one of the following books that I recommend: "Precision Archery" by Steve Ruis and Claudia Stevenson; "Archery: Steps to Success" by Kathleen Haywood and Catherine Lewis.
Looking to sign up for archery lessons, boxing lessons, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons or personal training sessions? Start by emailing and lets talk fitness!


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