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Don't do sit ups after drinking tea on an empty stomach unless you want a weird feeling tummy ache.
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Positive Thinking + Motivation
Here Are Three Tips for Developing Positive Thinking + Exercise Motivation
1. Focus on the Positive
If you think you will fail at you exercise / weight loss goals then you will fail because you will end up giving up too easily. If you focus on attaining your goals and WHY you want to attain them then you will stay positive and stay motivated.
We all have qualities that we like about ourselves and things that could use improvement. When we're having a bad day it's important to not dwell on why we're having a challenging time. Remember that a lot of this little stuff is meaningless and there is no point stressing about little details. Focus on the big picture and work on improving yourself to the ultimate goal.
Example: "I may not exercise a lot, but at least I am exercising daily. I just need to stay focused and ty to up the ante on my daily routine."
We all have qualities that we like about ourselves and things that could use improvement. When we're having a bad day it's important to not dwell on why we're having a challenging time. Remember that a lot of this little stuff is meaningless and there is no point stressing about little details. Focus on the big picture and work on improving yourself to the ultimate goal.
Example: "I may not exercise a lot, but at least I am exercising daily. I just need to stay focused and ty to up the ante on my daily routine."
When you are going through a period of low motivation you need to keep your
goals close by so you are feeling constantly motivated. This could be simply an image of the ideal body on your fridge or a list of
habits that you want to achieve, a picture of yourself when you were 17, or a note that we carry
around. Could even be poetry or a movie that you like to see again and again.
Example: For me that would be Rocky (all of the films), plus I have all the music from the Rocky films which I like to listen to while exercising.
When people are feeling depressed and unmotivated they have a tendency to eat junk food. So here's an important tip: Never go grocery shopping when you are depressed and feeling negative!
Example: For me that would be Rocky (all of the films), plus I have all the music from the Rocky films which I like to listen to while exercising.
When people are feeling depressed and unmotivated they have a tendency to eat junk food. So here's an important tip: Never go grocery shopping when you are depressed and feeling negative!
3. Celebrate Progress in a Smart Way
People love reward systems.
But don't reward yourself with fatty food by suddenly binging whenever you lose 5 lbs. That puts you in danger of a yo-yo diet.
If you're always achieving success but never offering yourself breaks and rewards the effort can begin to seem never ending!
D) Sex! Your lover will be appreciative of your efforts!
What is the point of working your buns off if you're always living within the confines of a strict regime and don't reward yourself!
If you're feeling the rewards you will also be feeling positive and motivated to keep at it!
But don't reward yourself with fatty food by suddenly binging whenever you lose 5 lbs. That puts you in danger of a yo-yo diet.
If you're always achieving success but never offering yourself breaks and rewards the effort can begin to seem never ending!
Healthy Ways to Reward Yourself
A) Go out for a movie by yourself or with friends.
B) Go shopping for shoes, power tools, electronic gadgets or whatever makes you happy.
C) Take a day off to make artwork, poetry or listen to music.
What is the point of working your buns off if you're always living within the confines of a strict regime and don't reward yourself!
If you're feeling the rewards you will also be feeling positive and motivated to keep at it!
Nutritional Success = Healthy Balance
Fitness is like a cart with two wheels. If you only focus on the exercise wheel and forget the nutrition wheel you will become stuck and never reach your goals.
Nutrition plays a huge part of fitness goals, even more so than exercise. The food (vitamins, carbs, proteins, calcium, etc) that is consumed is our fuel for activity, both physical and mental, and is also the building blocks of new blood, new muscle tissue, and reinforcing our bone structure. The quality of nutrition plays a huge role in how your body is using that food.
The end result is that for every nutrient, protein or calorie you consume your body will automatically try to make the most of it (either by using it or storing it).
How to Eat for Success by Making the Most of your Diet
1. Eat Healthy Food Most of the Time
to eat healthy food 90% to 95% of the time. Every calorie should be going
toward a function within the body. Healthy fats from nuts, fish and
avocado contribute to healthy hair, skin and nails. A shortage of fats, due to anorexia for example, can cause your hair to fall out. Healthy fats also help the
body to absorb nutrients. Vegetables should be a variety of colours and
fruits should be high in fiber (apples, pears, etc). Carbohydrates should
come from whole grain sources. Aim for a variety and balance and to counteract any deficiencies. eg. If you are low on potassium eat more bananas, spinach, mushrooms, etc.
2. Eat When you are Hungry / Don't Eat when you are Not Hungry
to your body and when you feel hungry. Eat when you are hungry. This prevents over eating. Don't be afraid of snacking, but aim for healthy snacks.
When the body thinks it's starving it holds onto fat and this makes it
even harder to lose it. On the flip side, if you're feeling satiated, don't eat!
Stop eating when you are not hungry anymore. Save the other half of
your meal for lunch the next day - or as a snack for later!
3. Don't Drink Calories
If you are drinking soda pop every day the first thing you need to do is cut that out. Its basically just flavoured sugar water, and its not helping you.
in liquid form really hurts your daily calorie requirements and soda pop offers nothing nutritionally. Just cutting out sugary drinks during a weight loss diet will help shed a few
pounds really quickly. Drink tea, water, skim milk and juices.
4. Track Your Calories
People who track their calories in a journal or on a SmartPhone App are 3 times more likely to succeed at attaining their desired weight. Knowing how much you are consuming daily, learning how to break it up into meals and snacks is an essential key to weight loss and finding a healthy balance. Below is a sample caloric breakdown for a weight loss diet.
Breakfast - 400-500 calories
Mid Morning Snack - 100 calories
Lunch - 500-600 calories
Afternoon Snack - 100 calories
Supper - 500-600 calories
Evening Snack - 100 calories
5. Carry Healthy Snacks on You
If you're one of those people who carries a backpack, purse or briefcase with you wherever you go pack some healthy snacks in there for later.
My favourite? Peanut butter granola bars (the kind with no chocolate in them), although they do have some honey to help it stick together.
How To Make
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup margarine or butter
3 cups granola
Glass bowl
Medium sauce pan
Flat non-stick pan
Step 1
Measure out ingredients and prepare containers. You can buy 12-oz. packages that measure out to exactly 3 cups.
Step 2
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup margarine or butter
3 cups granola
Glass bowl
Medium sauce pan
Flat non-stick pan
Step 1
Measure out ingredients and prepare containers. You can buy 12-oz. packages that measure out to exactly 3 cups.
Step 2
Combine peanut butter, honey and butter in a medium sauce pan. Heat to a simmer and cook for about 4 to 5 minutes. It helps to dice the butter into smaller cubes before tossing in.
Step 3
Turn off the stove and pour the hot mix into a glass bowl. Pour in the 3 cups of plain granola and stir until well mixed.
Step 4
Spoon into a flat pan that is 8 x 8 inches or similar size, such as 6 x 10 inches, then flatten with a spatula. Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
Step 5
Use a sharp knife to cut the chilled peanut butter granola layer into 2 x 4-inch sections, approximately. This should yield 8 to 9 peanut butter granola bars.
Step 3
Turn off the stove and pour the hot mix into a glass bowl. Pour in the 3 cups of plain granola and stir until well mixed.
Step 4
Spoon into a flat pan that is 8 x 8 inches or similar size, such as 6 x 10 inches, then flatten with a spatula. Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
Step 5
Use a sharp knife to cut the chilled peanut butter granola layer into 2 x 4-inch sections, approximately. This should yield 8 to 9 peanut butter granola bars.
The Hunter / Gatherer Diet
#1. Nuts, berries, seeds, fruits and vegetables.
#2. Meat that has been recently slain and then cooked over a fire. Eggs are also okay, either raw, fried or cooked.
#3. Lots of water, but also juices from fruits and tea made from local plants for its medicinal benefits. eg. Birch bark tea contains aspirin.
#4. No sugary / fatty / processed factory made foods filled with corn syrup and other horrible things.
#5. No bread or grains. This means no flour, no cake, no rice, no spaghetti, nothing filled with carbs.
Now you might be thinking, what about milk? Well that is a tricky one. You see cavemen also sucked the marrow from bones, but trying to do that in our modern era just isn't practical. Eating nuts, berries, fruits, vegetables, meat, juice and water is certainly easily doable and practical. Sucking marrow from bones is not.
And there is also no proof that cavemen didn't use the milk from the animals they killed. It is widely understood that they used everything... the skins, the meat, the bones... even the intestines. So if they killed a milk-bearing female animal, its quite likely they did drink the milk too. It is certainly a matter of "what ifs" to be debated, so I leave that one to personal preference.
So in short the Paleolithic diet is really just a diet centred around eating the basics. Its very low in carbs, low in fat, its high in veggies, and you are still eating meat 2 or maybe 3 times per week, depending on the quality of the hunting.
Thus the diet of Cavemen and Cavewomen is pretty similar to what our modern athletes eat, with the exception of the protein shakes and protein bars... but that can be compensated with healthy doses of nuts and berries.
Thus the Caveman or Hunter / Gatherer Diet offers something that is easy to follow and is guaranteed to provide a stable, balanced and healthy diet - one that is sure to reduce someone's weight.
Which will people will no doubt break when they're left in charge of a box of doughnuts. Carbs and sugar in combination are difficult to resist, but if a person has the willpower they can just set the box down and forget its there.
Everyone is blessed/cursed with one particular caveman gene, and that is the gene that causes people to store fat for the winter. Whenever someone gorges themselves on fatty food, that fat is then stored on their body unless they have a remarkably high metabolism. As Winter approaches cavemen find themselves eating less fruits and berries and more meat. Combined with less sunlight and they are taking in less Vitamin D, which kickstarts a fat-storing process for the Winter. Thanks to the extra meat they will eating more fat, and if the food is plentiful they should have fat tummies by the time winter arrives and food becomes more scarce.
The reverse happens in the Spring when increased sunlight and more fruits/veggies increases Vitamin D intake and people start losing weight and feeling more energetic. So if your goal is weight loss the modern man does have an advantage: We can keep eating fruits/veggies in the colder months and maintain our Vitamin D levels so we don't store up fat like cavemen do.
The good news about the Hunter / Gatherer Diet is that its very easy to maintain. The food tastes good, you still get to eat meat and dairy, but you're avoiding carbs, sugars and fats - things which have been proven to be bad for us health wise.
Giving up our beloved sandwiches and pizzas and cakes can be tricky. But it can be done if you have the willpower and eventually you reach a point where you don't really miss the carbs because you've kicked the habit.
It also promotes the concept of buying freshly butchered meat as opposed to processed meats which have sugar, salt and other things added to them.
You can still have things like bacon, but you still shouldn't be eating bacon on a constant basis.
Seeds and nuts are a great source of healthy fats and protein. Chocolate covered almonds still make a good treat on rare occasions. You can still expect the once in awhile craving for sugar or chocolate, and you shouldn't be afraid to treat yourself - but you have to discipline yourself at the same time and remember that its all about maintaining a healthy balance.
Ultimately, it's up to the individual to figure out how they want their diet to work. Some people might choose that they don't want to give up ice cream - but as a balancing factor they aim for the low fat ice cream and they sprinkle or combine the ice cream with nuts and berries.
Deprivation diets don't work - but understanding the need for balance in a healthy diet does work.
#1. Nuts, berries, seeds, fruits and vegetables.
#2. Meat that has been recently slain and then cooked over a fire. Eggs are also okay, either raw, fried or cooked.
#3. Lots of water, but also juices from fruits and tea made from local plants for its medicinal benefits. eg. Birch bark tea contains aspirin.
#4. No sugary / fatty / processed factory made foods filled with corn syrup and other horrible things.
#5. No bread or grains. This means no flour, no cake, no rice, no spaghetti, nothing filled with carbs.
Now you might be thinking, what about milk? Well that is a tricky one. You see cavemen also sucked the marrow from bones, but trying to do that in our modern era just isn't practical. Eating nuts, berries, fruits, vegetables, meat, juice and water is certainly easily doable and practical. Sucking marrow from bones is not.
And there is also no proof that cavemen didn't use the milk from the animals they killed. It is widely understood that they used everything... the skins, the meat, the bones... even the intestines. So if they killed a milk-bearing female animal, its quite likely they did drink the milk too. It is certainly a matter of "what ifs" to be debated, so I leave that one to personal preference.
So in short the Paleolithic diet is really just a diet centred around eating the basics. Its very low in carbs, low in fat, its high in veggies, and you are still eating meat 2 or maybe 3 times per week, depending on the quality of the hunting.
Thus the diet of Cavemen and Cavewomen is pretty similar to what our modern athletes eat, with the exception of the protein shakes and protein bars... but that can be compensated with healthy doses of nuts and berries.
Thus the Caveman or Hunter / Gatherer Diet offers something that is easy to follow and is guaranteed to provide a stable, balanced and healthy diet - one that is sure to reduce someone's weight.
Which will people will no doubt break when they're left in charge of a box of doughnuts. Carbs and sugar in combination are difficult to resist, but if a person has the willpower they can just set the box down and forget its there.
Everyone is blessed/cursed with one particular caveman gene, and that is the gene that causes people to store fat for the winter. Whenever someone gorges themselves on fatty food, that fat is then stored on their body unless they have a remarkably high metabolism. As Winter approaches cavemen find themselves eating less fruits and berries and more meat. Combined with less sunlight and they are taking in less Vitamin D, which kickstarts a fat-storing process for the Winter. Thanks to the extra meat they will eating more fat, and if the food is plentiful they should have fat tummies by the time winter arrives and food becomes more scarce.
The reverse happens in the Spring when increased sunlight and more fruits/veggies increases Vitamin D intake and people start losing weight and feeling more energetic. So if your goal is weight loss the modern man does have an advantage: We can keep eating fruits/veggies in the colder months and maintain our Vitamin D levels so we don't store up fat like cavemen do.
The good news about the Hunter / Gatherer Diet is that its very easy to maintain. The food tastes good, you still get to eat meat and dairy, but you're avoiding carbs, sugars and fats - things which have been proven to be bad for us health wise.
Giving up our beloved sandwiches and pizzas and cakes can be tricky. But it can be done if you have the willpower and eventually you reach a point where you don't really miss the carbs because you've kicked the habit.
It also promotes the concept of buying freshly butchered meat as opposed to processed meats which have sugar, salt and other things added to them.
You can still have things like bacon, but you still shouldn't be eating bacon on a constant basis.
Seeds and nuts are a great source of healthy fats and protein. Chocolate covered almonds still make a good treat on rare occasions. You can still expect the once in awhile craving for sugar or chocolate, and you shouldn't be afraid to treat yourself - but you have to discipline yourself at the same time and remember that its all about maintaining a healthy balance.
Ultimately, it's up to the individual to figure out how they want their diet to work. Some people might choose that they don't want to give up ice cream - but as a balancing factor they aim for the low fat ice cream and they sprinkle or combine the ice cream with nuts and berries.
Deprivation diets don't work - but understanding the need for balance in a healthy diet does work.
Muscle Pain - What is it and what to do about it
Do you get muscle pain after exercising? Its normal, but what is it and what should we do about it?
Muscle soreness is caused by a build-up of lactic acid in the muscles. Sometimes the pain is delayed, but usually the soreness tends to show up between 24-48 hours and is commonly called "DOMS" (delayed onset muscle soreness) after exercise.
Everyone gets it too. It's not unique to beginners or bodybuilders. Anyone who strains/rips their muscles is going to experience soreness either soon after or a delayed response. Sometimes the delay is caused by adrenaline and other pain-killing hormones in your system so you simply don't notice the pain until later. This is common for boxers for example who experience pain while fighting in the ring, but the real pain doesn't happen until after the match is over and they can barely stand due to all the pain.
Muscle soreness is caused by a build-up of lactic acid in the muscles. Sometimes the pain is delayed, but usually the soreness tends to show up between 24-48 hours and is commonly called "DOMS" (delayed onset muscle soreness) after exercise.
Everyone gets it too. It's not unique to beginners or bodybuilders. Anyone who strains/rips their muscles is going to experience soreness either soon after or a delayed response. Sometimes the delay is caused by adrenaline and other pain-killing hormones in your system so you simply don't notice the pain until later. This is common for boxers for example who experience pain while fighting in the ring, but the real pain doesn't happen until after the match is over and they can barely stand due to all the pain.
time that you exercise and especially when you try new things such as exercises you've never done before, or trying heavier weights or
by adding time to the routine, your muscles are simply not used to the
demand. What happens is the tiny muscle fibers tear and break, and then they heal and fill in the muscle void with new muscle tissue so that you can
handle that same load of work the next time with less effort and less pain. A little muscle soreness
is a good thing. Hence the saying NO PAIN, NO GAIN. Muscle pain means that you have challenged your body and that it is now healing and building new muscle tissue.
Lets say you don't normally do situps and your core muscles aren't the greatest. So one day you do 300 situps and that night and the day after your abs hurt. But two days later if you try to do 300 situps again, it will be easier the 2nd time around and you will experience less pain. This is because you've healed and built up more muscle in that region during the healing process. If you kept doing 300 situps every 2 days for a month by the end of the month you would be experiencing almost no pain and your ab muscles would be significantly stronger.
So regardless of whether you are doing weightlifting or ab workouts or even cardio, you are going to experience muscle pain. Even archery causes muscle pain in your arms and back if you aren't used to the poundage of the bow.
So what can you do about it?
#1. Only exercise those same muscles every 2 days so you can rest and heal in-between and build up your strength/endurance.
#2. Don't overdo it on the weights. Make gradual improvements on how much weight you are lifting. I know its fun to try and lift your maximum amount, but I only recommend doing that once per month and then keeping a record of what your maximum was.
#3. Stretching / Yoga. Stretching and yoga can help prevent / decrease muscle soreness.
#4. Take a cold bath or shower when you experience muscle soreness. Its really cold, but it helps numb the pain.
#5. Eat lots of beans, nuts, etc after a workout. Or a protein shake or protein bar. The extra protein will help build/repair muscle tissue faster. I don't recommend meat because the protein content in meat isn't as high as people like to think it is. eg. Pork chops are only 18% protein.
#6. Do NOT exercise muscles that are already sore. They're trying to heal. Focus your workout on different muscles on days when your muscles are so. eg. Some people like to alternate weightlifting on one day with cardio on the next. Or alternatively upper body on one day and lower body on the next.
#7. As a last resort, pain killers. Pay attention and learn what is actually in them however. A common painkiller you can find in a pharmacy for bodybuilders is actually just Tylenol 650 mg - which is the same thing people take for arthritis pain. So if you do go that way, look at the prices because seniors pay less for arthritis pills than bodybuilders do for muscle relaxers, even though its the same ingredient.
Always remember that pain is temporary. The feeling of achieving your goals lasts forever.
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