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100 Healthy Snacks

Want to have a snack, but don't want to gorge yourself on junk food? Here is 100 healthy alternatives.

Instead of Potato Chips

Those crispy taters are delicious, but these snacks are healthier and pack more of a nutritional punch. Plus, they’ll still give you that crunch you’re looking for.

  1. Popcorn. As long as you don’t go for the super buttery version, popcorn can be a delicious and incredibly satisfying alternative to chips.
  2. Kale Chips. They might not sound appealing, but give these crisps a try. They not only taste good, but are loaded with nutrients.
  3. Veggies. Baby carrots, sugar snap peas, celery and bell peppers offer up a crisp, crunchy snack that’s full of the stuff your body needs.
  4. Pita Chips. You can make or buy whole grain pita chips that are healthier than potato chips, but still pretty delicious.
  5. Salted Cucumber Slices. Cucumbers are an excellent choice for giving you that crunch you crave. Add a little salt (maybe some spice) and you get a great study snack.
  6. Ants on a Log. Bring back your childhood with this snack that offers up a serious crunch and some protein to power your brain.
  7. Whole Wheat Pretzels. Whether you go for the soft version or the crunchy, these snacks are better for you than chips, in moderation of course.
  8. Almonds. Roasted almonds are an excellent source of protein and fiber, making them perfect for study snacking.
  9. Cashews. Go for the unsalted version and you can enjoy all the healthful benefits of this nut without any of the drawbacks.
  10. Trail Mix. If you don’t want to eat plain nuts, mix them up with dried fruits and pretzels to make your own healthy trail mix.
  11. Whole Grain Crackers. Skip those weak crackers and go for the whole grain, fibrous ones instead. They’ll do a better job filling you up and they’re better for you to boot.
  12. Sunflower Seeds. If you want to mindlessly chew on something while you study, these small seeds are a great choice.
  13. Peanuts. Grab a handful of peanuts while you’re studying to get a quick energy boost from this protein-loaded nut.
  14. Fruit Chips. There’s more than one way to eat fruit; in this chip form they may make you not even miss the potato kind.
  15. Veggie Chips. If you just really need to eat some kind of chip, choose a healthier alternative. Veggie chips have more nutrients and can be even better for you if they’re baked.
  16. Pickles. Pickles are loaded with sodium, it’s true, but if you only have a couple they’re a healthier, lower calorie snack than chips by far.
Instead of Unhealthy Dips and Spreads

Just because you’re not loading stuff up with heaps of Cheese Whiz and ranch dressing doesn’t mean you have to go without. Try these healthier options instead.
  1. Salsa. Whether you buy it at the store or make up your own, this sassy sauce offers up vitamins without being short on taste.
  2. Hummus. Made with chickpeas, this Middle Eastern treat is the perfect accompaniment to some pita chips or veggies.
  3. Guacamole. Avocados do have a lot of fat, but it’s the good kind. Whip up some guac to get your study party started.
  4. Bean Dip. Beans are a rich source of protein, and can be fun to eat in dip form.
  5. Low-Cal Spinach Dip. Spinach dip isn’t known for being particularly healthy, but this recipe isn’t too bad. Plus, it’s full of nutrient-rich spinach.
  6. Mustard. Dip pretzels and other snacks in this vinegary and salty condiment for a tasty treat.
  7. Greek Yogurt. Never thought of using yogurt as a dip? Well it’s never too late to start. Put it on cucumber for a cool late-night treat.
  8. Fruit Salsa. Salsa doesn’t have to be spicy and savory. Try out a fruit salsa for a sweeter alternative.
  9. Low Fat Dressing. If you just can’t go without dressing, choose a low-fat or low-cal version of your favorite.
  10. Neufatel Cheese. Instead of loading up your bagel with cream cheese, choose this healthier, but just as tasty, alternative instead.
Instead of Pre-Packaged, Processed Snacks

These snacks may be convenient, but they’re often packed with sodium, sugar and a wide range of chemicals. Opt for something a little more natural instead.
  1. Cheese. Whether you go for the string cheese or the simple cheese wedges, low-fat cheese, especially the natural kind, is a great snack offering up a host of vitamins and some great protein.
  2. Broccoli. Dipped in a tasty sauce, this green veggie packs a powerful nutritional punch.
  3. Cantaloupe. This melon not only tastes great, but is a much healthier alternative to those fruit snacks.
  4. Olives. Need something salty? Try olives instead of chips or crackers.
  5. Tomato Slices and Olive Oil. Tomatoes are packed with lycopene and a wealth of other vitamins -and can be pretty darn satisfying with a little olive oil on top.
  6. Grapefruit. This pucker-inducing fruit may not be the easiest to eat, but it’s a great super food to enjoy any time of the day.
  7. Sugar Snap Peas. These sweet peas are easy to store and provide a delicious crunch, not to mention some serious nutrition to fuel your brain.
  8. Edamame. These soybeans are a great source of protein, low in calories and just plain tasty– a perfect trio.
  9. Cottage Cheese and Pineapple. Get the benefits of protein-filled cheese with the zing of a citrusy fruit in this snack.
  10. Kiwis. Sliced in half and taken in with a spoon, these fun green fruits are not only, healthy but fun to eat too.
  11. Melon Balls. Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew and other melons are sweet and delicious and can be perfect snack foods in this simple spherical form.
Instead of Candy

If you’ve got a sweet tooth, there are healthier places to turn than an economy sized bag of gummy bears. Beat the sweet with these healthy choices.
  1. Fruit Salad. A mix of fruits like strawberries, raspberries, grapes, bananas and other great healthy snacks can be a great way to meet the needs of your sweet tooth without going overboard on sugar and calories.
  2. Dark Chocolate. Provided you have just a small amount, dark chocolate has healthy antioxidants that make it better for you than its more sugary cousin, milk chocolate.
  3. Granola Bar. With tasty morsels of fruits inside, these treats are salty and sweet in one.
  4. Dried Apricots. Dried fruits like apricots are a great way to feel like you’re eating candy while still getting the vitamins from fruits.
  5. Strawberries. They may not always be in season, but when they are these small fruits are the perfect alternatives to unhealthy candies.
  6. Orange Slices. Next time you’re craving fruity candy, pick up an orange instead. It’s full of vitamin C which can help ensure you stay healthy enough to make it through your semester.
  7. Fresh Raspberries. They’re easy to eat, tasty and pretty good for you too, so don’t pass up these awesome berries.
  8. Raisins. Dried fruits like raisins are perfect to keep on hand in your dorm room, as they’ll stay fresh for months and are a great, easy snack.
  9. Blueberries. Blueberries aren’t called a super food for nothing. They’re full of antioxidants and vitamins that will make your body happy.
  10. Cherries. Cherries are easy to eat, delicious and they taste like a whole host of candies so you won’t even miss those sugary treats.
  11. Pomegranates. Think of pomegranates as candy that grows on trees, as their tiny, gem-like seeds provide the perfect healthy and sweet snack.
  12. Fruit Leather. Instead of a fruit roll-up, opt for this healthier flattened fruit.
Instead of Soda Pop

You’ve got to wash all those tasty study snacks down with something, right? Instead of a sugary soda, try these options for healthier refreshment.
  1. Water. Water has no calories, and it provides the hydration your body needs to give you better concentration and memory. What drink could be better than that? The answer? Ice water is basically negative calories.
  2. Cranberry Juice. Go for real cranberry juice, not cocktail, for a full-on antioxidant beverage.
  3. Skim Milk. Unless you’re lactose intolerant, milk can provide your body with protein, calcium and other vitamins it needs.
  4. Orange Juice. A glass of OJ is a great way to boost your vitamin C levels and stave off illness.
  5. Soy Milk. If you can’t drink milk, soy milk is a great, healthy alternative.
  6. Tea. Need to stay awake? Try out some tea. Green and black varieties are said to be extremely beneficial to your health.
  7. Coffee. Coffee, when had in moderation, is a better way to get a caffeine fix than soda.
Instead of Ice Cream

These healthy alternatives to ice cream will see you through your studies without all the fat and calories.
  1. Fat Free Yogurt. Yogurt comes in a wide variety of flavors, even chocolate and cheesecake, and is a much healthier alternative to ice cream. Toss in some berries and you've got a very healthy snack.
  2. Fruit Smoothie. Blend up fruit, milk and yogurt to make one of these tasty treats.
  3. Frozen Grapes. Frozen grapes will give you the chill you’re looking for with very few calories and no fat.
  4. Fruit Popsicles. If you need a sweet frozen treat, one of your best bets is a whole fruit frozen popsicle.
  5. Parfait. Top yogurt with fresh berries and some granola and you’ve got yourself a healthy alternative to an ice cream sundae.
  6. Frozen Banana with Nuts. Dip a banana in honey, roll it in nuts and stick it in the freezer for an amazing treat that’s good for you too.
  7. Applesauce. Applesauce, especially the unsweetened kind, is pretty good for you, containing plenty of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.
  8. Frozen Yogurt. If you are looking for something healthier that’s as close to ice cream as possible, seek out frozen yogurt. While it’s not perfectly healthy, it’s definitely better for you than ice cream.
  9. Chocolate Mousse. Chocolate mousse does contain a fair amount of sugar, but it’s also considerably lower in calories and fat than ice cream.
Instead of Cookies and Cakes

Replace those Oreos and Chips Ahoy with these delicious and health-friendly alternatives.
  1. Rice Cakes with Peanut Butter. Rice cakes alone might be a bit bland, but dress them up with a nut butter to make them super delicious.
  2. Graham Crackers. A few graham crackers are a much better choice than most cookies, especially if you eat the whole grain kind.
  3. Bran Muffin. If you need a quick pick-me-up, a bran muffin is the perfect choice. It will keep you full and give you the energy to keep studying.
  4. Fig Newtons. If you simply must have a cookie, choose one like Fig Newtons. While these cookies contain some not-so-good things, they also have real fruit that offers more vitamins than their chocolate chip counterparts.
  5. Apples and Almond Butter. Apples on their own are good for you, but paired with a great protein source like almond butter, they’re even better. Plus, both the apple and the almond butter will help you wake up and stay alert to study.
  6. Fruit Cup. Look for fruit cups that are in water, not syrup, for a tasty, healthy and easy treat.
  7. Banana Bread. If baked goods are what you crave while studying, consider picking up some banana bread instead of cookies.
  8. Carrot Bars. Made with real shredded carrots, these bars can be a great source of vitamins and fiber.
  9. Cereal Bar. Cereal bars made with whole grain cereals are your best healthy bet if you’re looking for a convenient snack.
  10. Sugar Free Jello. Does it contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals? Nope. But it does have no sugar and few calories, and that’s more than you can say for cookies or cakes.
  11. Kashi Cookies. If you simply must have a cookie, go for one that attempts to be a little healthier. The Kashi brand contains flaxseed and other whole grains to give this junk food a boost.
Instead of Frozen Foods

While there are some healthy frozen foods out there, the kinds you likely have in your freezer (frozen pizzas, chicken nuggets) aren’t the best for you. Try these snacks instead.
  1. English Muffin Pizzas. Don’t heat up a whole frozen pizza if you’re hungry. Make a smaller, healthier English muffin version instead.
  2. Pita Pizza. Don’t have English muffins? Whole grain pitas work just as well for constructing a more nutritious pizza in minutes.
  3. Tuna. Put some tuna on top of whole grain crackers to get loads of protein.
  4. Hard Boiled Egg. A hard-boiled egg with salt and pepper is good for you, offering protein you need to keep going.
  5. Side Salad. Instead of snacking on unhealthy foods, why not whip up a salad? It’s easy and can be tasty too.
  6. Seaweed Salad. Pick up some seaweed salad at the store for a study snack. It might be a funny color, but it’s full of great nutrients. Just watch out for the sodium– it contains a good amount.
  7. Oatmeal. Instant oatmeal is easy to make, fills you up and keeps you healthy.
  8. Lettuce Wraps. Use lettuce to wrap up other veggies, low-fat meats and other healthy treats.
  9. Corn on the Cob. Eat it fresh if it’s in season or find it frozen if it’s not.
  10. Whole Grain Toast. Toast, topped with a whole fruit jam or peanut butter, can be a great snack that only takes minutes to make.
Instead of Fast Food

Seeking out a mini-meal to keep you going strong through your studies? Well, skip the fast food fare and make these healthier options at home.
  1. Whole Grain Cereal. Pair a healthy cereal with some skim milk for a meal that will fill you up without filling you out.
  2. Whole Wheat Bagel. A bagel can be an easy way to get in some whole grains– just make sure you don’t go overboard with toppings.
  3. Turkey Wrap. Turkey is one of the healthiest lunch meats out there, so combining it with a whole wheat tortilla, veggies and some mustard is an excellent way to snack smart.
  4. Baked Potato. A baked potato topped with salsa will meet all your study snacking needs. Eat the skin for an extra vitamin-laden boost.
  5. Black Beans and Salsa. This snack is simple to make at home. Rinse off a can of black beans, heat them and top with salsa and guac for a healthy treat.
  6. Sweet Potato Fries. When baked, you can get your fries fix with far better health with sweet potato fries.
  7. Whole Wheat Pasta. A small bowl of whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce makes for a balanced and healthy snack or meal.
  8. Veggie Pocket. Load up a pita with all kinds of veggies, from cucumbers to sprouts, top with mustard or a vinaigrette, and you’ve got yourself a killer snack.
  9. Low-Fat Quesadilla. Low-fat cheese and veggies help make this snack one that’s healthy and craveable.
  10. Low Sodium Soup. Heat up a small bowl of soup to get some veggies, protein and other healthy stuff to keep you going.
  11. Soft Taco. Using whole grain tortillas, turkey instead of beef and topping with extra veggies makes this snack a winner in the health department.
  12. Multigrain Waffle. Pop a whole grain waffle into the toaster, top it with fruit and you’ve got an enviable study snack on your hands.
  13. Sandwich on Whole Wheat. Instead of getting a burger, make yourself a healthy, old-fashioned sandwich instead.
  14. Omelet. If you’ve got your own place, practice your cooking skills by making a healthy omelet for a snack.

Three Inspirational Videos

Inspirational videos are proof that people can do amazing things when they put their minds into it. What are you waiting for?

The Bar Brothers

Arthur's Transformation

Danny MacAskill on a Bicycle

Need more inspiration or motivation? Hire me as your personal trainer in Toronto.

Cycling Season 2013

Well it is March 1st and that means Cycling Season is practically here!

If you are really looking forward to the summer months so you can go cycling, don't delay, today is the day! It's a fun and active way to burn calories and you can spend a day exploring the city and keeping fit. When it gets warmer you may even go on day trips outside of Toronto.

For myself cycling is my preferred method of transportation. I only take other forms of transportation when cycling is too impractical.

If you live in Toronto check the local bicycle trails online or get a cycling map from Toronto City Hall. The Toronto Public Library, community and civic centers also have hard copies of these maps in their locations.

Before going for a Cycling Adventure remember to do the following:

#1. Take your bike to a Toronto bicycle mechanic for a tune up and possibly get new brakes fitted. Or fix the bicycle yourself if you know how and burn some calories because fixing bicycles counts as exercise. :)

#2. Consider replacing the helmet (especially if it is getting old) or other safety equipment.

#3. Find your lock or buy a new bicycle lock. The heavier duty the better.

#4. If you have battery lights replace the batteries or lightbulbs.

#5. If you have mirrrors adjust the mirrors as they may have been bumped/moved over the winter, or purchase mirrors if you are the type of cyclist who likes having mirrors.

Have fun hitting the trails!

How to Reward Yourself and Stay Motivated

You've reached your weight loss goals! Congratulations!

Now how do you stay motivated, reward yourself and keep your lifestyle changes intact without falling back into your old routine?

At this point being overweight may feel like an alternate reality - you probably haven't felt this fit since you were a teenager! But feeling great about yourself doesn't mean you can go back to your old ways. If anything you need to remind yourself so you avoid falling into a rut, and keeping yourself motivated to exercise is a handy part of that.

#1. Make a list of things you wanted to do when you were overweight but were physically unable to do / embarrassed to attempt. eg. Run a marathon, go snorkeling, dancing, etc. Go and do those things and have a fun time!

#2. For holidays and birthdays, ask for sports / exercise equipment or personal training gift cards.

I know what I would ask for - archery equipment. It gets pretty expensive. But you might also ask for a bicycle or things for your bicycle, tennis gear, jogging pants, new running shoes... plenty of things you could use.

Personal training gift cards are another handy thing. If you live in Toronto and want to buy personal training sessions for yourself or a loved one, send me an email and I can help you out.

#3. Charity and Fundraisers.

Volunteering to raise funding for a worthwhile cause can be a great way to stay in shape and have fun. Such events require you to go outside regularly and some of them involve "walks for charity" whereby sponsors donate and you and 500 other people promise to walk, jog or run X miles to raise awareness. eg. The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Run for the Cure.

#4. Involve your Friends and Family.

Success is contagious. If your friends and family haven't seen your results, show them what you did and encourage them to start a fitness and nutrition program on their own - and then you can help them with advice and even workout together.

Once people you know are also exercising and eating healthy, having another person to talk to about it, share recipes, and attend events you will have even more fun enjoying your new body.

#5. Sex!

No seriously. You and your lover can enjoy yourselves more often. Nothing wrong with that side benefit!

Sun Salutations in Yoga

During the physical practice of yoga, the session will sometimes begin with an exercise known as sun salutations. This series of twelve moving postures (asanas) are timed with breathing (inhaling and exhaling). The series is repeated anywhere from three times or more. Due to the nature of the sun salutation's constant movement, breath work, stretches and mental concentration, they encompass many common components of fitness, and makes for a challenging and effective total body workout.

Five Benefits of doing Sun Salutations

1. Postures such as chaturanga, (negative tricep push up), the Crescent pose, (lunges) and plank are body weight strength exercises that will burn more fat while at rest, decrease risk of injury and maintain bone density. Sun salutations strengthen the core very well, and yoga is commonly prescribed for low back injury and rehabilitation.

2. Sun Salutations have the potential to be very cardiovascular and burn a lot of calories while exercising your lungs and heart. Consistent movement, inverted poses (head lower than heart) like downward dog, and holding poses will improve heart and lung capacity, increase endurance and aid weight loss.

3. Poses like forward bends and downward dog will increase flexibility when practiced regularly. Sun Salutations are fantastic for releasing tension in the hamstrings and hips.

4. Focusing on timed breathing will increase mental focus and reduce stress. It teaches perseverance, mental toughness gives you a goal and something to think about to clear your mind during practice.

5. Sun Salutations will give you an all-around nice body! Yogis are known for their elongated muscles, lower body fat and over-all athleticism. Many martial artists also do yoga.

How to do a Proper Bicep Curl - and get better results!

Bicep training is handy for people who want to see results. It's one of the muscle groups that everyone can tone and actually see results within a week if they are doing them right. Nice biceps are the hallmark of a fantastic physique, and naturally weight lifting is the cornerstone to achieving chiseled, strong and sexy arms.

It's very common for amateurs to train biceps the most frequently, but then see the fewest gains and results because they aren't doing them properly.

This is mostly due to the natural inclination of amateurs to only perform half the exercise.

Let me explain...

During a bicep curl the weight is lifted from the thigh up to the shoulder. On the way back down (the negative rep) many simply allow the weight to quickly drop back into starting position without any control or form. Thus they are lifting the weight - but they're not lowering it slowly on the way back down.

If you want to do bicep curls it is best to focus on form and do them slowly. It will force you to focus on that negative rep because it is an entirely different bicep exercise than the positive ascent - and it is arguably the most important part of the exercise.

Another thing you might try is to "Hammer Up, Bicep Curl Down", for which the instructions are below.

1. Start either seated or standing (better for the core) with two dumbbells in each hand with enough weight which will fatigue your biceps in the range of your strength training goal, anywhere from 10 to 15 reps. (Don't use dumbbells which are too heavy or too light.)

2. With palms facing each other, curl the weights up to your shoulder. That's the positive hammer curl.

3. Now rotate your wrists so both palms face you and slowly, with complete control, lower the weights all the way back down until arms have only a slight bend in the elbow. That's the negative bicep curl.

Perform a set and then reverse the order, bicep curl up, hammer curl down for a balanced arm workout! This focus on form will help you to get more out of your bicep exercises.

If you want more advice on weight lifting you can always hire me as your personal training here in Toronto. Happy weight lifting!

Hallmarks of the Successful Weight Loss Plan

Losing weight involves lifestyle changes and lots of hard work but planning is also very important. Planning for weight loss will guarantee a focused approach to stay on track and keep progressing / pushing yourself harder.

Planning For Weight Loss in Three Steps

Plan your Meals

Knowing every meal in advance will not only save time and money but is crucial for avoiding overeating and poor food choices. Some people have found that it is easiest to eat similar meals for breakfast and lunch.

For example: If you have different variations of oatmeal 2 days, cottage cheese, dried fruit and flax meal 2 days, and an English muffin with peanut butter one day, you will have enough ingredients to vary these meals based on what you feel like. It's simple enough that it doesn't take much thought or time to prepare. For lunch try sandwiches on whole grain bread and a piece of fruit.

Take extra fruits for snacks if you find yourself feeling hungry during the day!

Plan your Workouts

If you don't know when you will find the time to workout, you won't workout! It's very important to have a set time to exercise. Even better, the same time everyday will quickly accustom you to a routine. It will be amazing how much time you have for exercise when you actually want to exercise!

If you find that time is seriously pressed then do what you can, when you can. Do a set of squats while talking on the phone, or lunge across the house instead of walking. Try running up every flight of stairs you encounter during the day, and do calf raises waiting in line-ups.

Plan for Disaster

Plan for your weight loss program to be blown out of the water once in a while. Especially if the holiday season is approaching it will not be long before someone hands you a box of chocolates and you know you will eat 5 once you've tried one.

Don't be discouraged but do remember to share your holiday treats, eat them in moderation and remember that every new day offers the opportunity to start fresh.

If you live in Toronto and are losing weight or would like to start, feel free to hire me as you personal trainer. Mention this post and get 10% off any purchase of 10 sessions or more. (Limit of 1 per customer.)

Belly Dancing for Exercise

Belly dancing (and any kind of dancing for that matter) is a great way to get extra cardio into your exercise routine. Especially since its fun!

It is really only popular for women (not too many male belly dancers out there...), but it is a really engaging way to exercise and build up your core / abdominal muscles.

Indeed, belly dancing can help you lose weight and burn as many calories as more strenuous exercises like cycling or running, as long as the workouts are consistently challenging and you are moving around a lot. Thus belly dancing can make for a really intense workout if you have the energy to try it and stick with it. Thankfully it is also fun, so your lack of skill at the beginning doesn't really matter as you will quickly get better at it as you progress.

If you think that you would like to try belly dancing as a form of exercise, don't be intimidated. Look for a good instructor who will keep you moving and having a good time.


#1. Dress the Part

The lavish Eastern costumes are part of the authenticity of belly dance classes. You may feel weird wearing them at first, but its part of the fun too if you get a chance to perform. Call the studio or instructor ahead of time to see what patrons usually wear to class. You may just wear regular workout/yoga gear, but some  instructors may ask you to come in costume. A basic costume could include yoga pants, a hip scarf for emphasis, and a midriff-baring choli so that your instructor can see and help you with the movement of your hips and posture.

#2. Get In Character

You'll get more out of your belly dance exercise classes if you release your inhibitions and get in character. The more movement you get through your hips and thighs, the more beneficial the class will be. Think of your class as a performance and just have a good time. Don't worry about how you look or if you're making a fool of yourself - part of the appeal of belly dancing is how exotic it looks anyway, so its bound to look weird. Belly dancing is more beneficial when you are giving it your total effort without being self-conscious.

Side Benefit - Belly Dancing boosts your confidence and decreases shyness.

#3. Loose Joints and Posture

Belly dancing focuses on the abdominal and hip region, so when you begin to learn to belly dance, it may seem strange to you to move those areas so freely. Keep your joints soft so that they can flow freely, while keeping your spine straight and your head up. Keep your shoulders back at all times, with your tailbone dropped to the floor. Over time if you practice proper form this will become easier and second nature for you, but in the beginning you will need to pay attention to your form.

Want to Beat Fat? Learn Your Enemy!

If fatty food is your waistline's enemy then you should try to learn more about this dreaded foe.

Fat is a slow burning energy source - and it is typically stored instead of used right away. Eating healthy fats will contribute to hormonal regulation, aids vitamin and mineral absorption and maintains healthy skin and hair. Of course, good and bad cholesterol, healthy and unhealthy fats, saturated and monounsaturated are terms which you have already come across, and it can all seem confusing if you don't know what they are!

Different Kinds of Fats


They are the "bad fats." Saturated fat raises cholesterol. Foods such as butter margarine, meat and dairy contain high levels of saturated fat.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated

These fats do not raise cholesterol levels. Cooking oils such as olive and canola contain monounsaturated fats, while safflower and corn oil contain polyunsaturated fat.


Fats that contain, in varying proportions, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.


An essential fat made by the liver. Eating food high in "bad" cholesterol can cause heart disease. Cholesterol is carried through the bloodstream by lipoproteins.

HDLs (high density lipoproteins)

The "good" cholesterol which can move cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver.

LDLs (low density lipoproteins)

LDLs are the "bad" cholesterols because they keep cholesterol circulating in the blood, and this can lead to clogged arteries.

Eating healthy fats is easy, they are foud in seeds, nut, olive oil and avocado fruits. Bad fats are in baked goods, such as white bread, pizza and fast food. Don't stress about all of the different types of fat too much. Just focus on the natural stuff and avoid any fats which are "man made". You will still eat some of the unhealthier fats anyway, but if you know which ones to avoid it can help you to make healthier choices.

When To Detox Diet

Detox diets have been growing ever more popular for the past several decades. There have been dangerous detox diets, such as the lemonade or grapefruit detox diets, where necessary food groups and nutrients are restricted.

More recently detox diets are being designed so they are healthier, including lemonade / grapefruit diets which have been modified so you are now getting the needed nutrients (often through vitamin pill supplementation or the addition of specific foods).

Personally my own fitness philosophy revolves around good old-fashioned healthy eating and lots of exercise - but I am a personal trainer and not everyone is as patient as I am. Eating good food in abundance, and not so good food in moderation, and avoiding horrible food entirely is just the beginning.

Good food and a consistent fitness regimen, is the tried, tested and true way - short cuts are more likely to result in yo-yo dieting. However there are some benefits to detoxification, so lets explore the pros and cons of detox diets:

Pros of a Detox Diet

#1. If you have always had an unhealthy diet containing a lot of horribly carcinogenic foods a detox diet may help to correct bad habits. Many detox plans will be restrictive, such as avoiding nightshade vegetables, or bread but will allow most vegetables, beans, and legumes. Simply trying a detox diet might break the cycle of a poor diet, so it's worth a shot.

#2. Placebo Effect. Sometimes just doing something - anything healthy that it - will help you to feel better about yourself. Whether it's because the diet is actually working, or due to the psychological benefit of sticking to a goal, it has the potential to make you feel good about yourself and accomplished. And if the cycle of positivity continues then you will just continue to feel better and better about yourself, making huge strides towards both eating better and exercising more.

#3. Identifying food sensitivities. It's very common to realize that your 3 PM fatigue, bloated or stomach upset has been caused by something you are eating. A detox diet will eliminate fast, processed, fried and (saturated) fatty foods, while increasing water intake - and a lot of people don't drink enough water. This can make a person feel much better and discover that a certain food, like pizza or french fries has been causing breakouts, or gastronomical distress, or even excessive farting.

Cons of Detox Diets

#1. You don't need to do a really radical diet to cleanse your body of toxins. We are already designed to detox our own bodies through our internal organs, to rid ourselves of toxins and pollutants. A rich and well rounded diet will take care of "body flushing" without huge food restrictions... all you really need to do is cut out the fatty foods, foods that are not "natural" (basically anything containing chemical additives) and avoid cigarettes and alcohol. (Which is harder for some people who can't stop themselves.)

#2. Many detox diets claim to aid weight loss. However, many of these diets combine food and beverages with diuretic and laxative effects. Basically, you lose a lot of water weight that will simply come back once the body is rehydrated, just like when we sweat. So if you do detox, remember to drink a lot of liquids.

#3. Long term detox diets can cause certain sensitivities to food that has been restricted - possibly even making you allergic. If you never had a problem eating bread, and then you stop eating it for a year, you may find that your stomach can no longer handle it. Do you really want to give up bread forever? Thus if you want to preserve you ability to eat certain foods you should still eat them once in awhile.

#4. Any diet that is not sustainable on a long term basis will not be an effective weight loss plan. As soon as the detoxee person eats normally again, it can all come back again (sometimes very quickly) as your body will think you were on a fast and will want to replenish itself immediately. You need to be thinking a long term change in your eating habits if you want long term results.

I am not against detox diets. In fact I encourage them, but they need to be done in such a way that you are not hurting yourself and you make some kind of permanent change so that you kick a specific habit - like giving up sugary chocolate and switching to small amounts of dark chocolate instead.

Healthy moderation and balance is the key to a healthy diet. Learning that is something you have to do yourself - and once you've learned it you realize that the sweets taste that much better because you only have them when you're having fun with friends or family instead of consuming them when your bored, lonely or depressed.

You really should only be detox dieting if you have genuine worries about toxins in your system - like if you are quitting smoking and you want to detoxify. Or quitting alcohol. Or you were recently poisoned by a jellyfish... Doing a detox diet to "lose weight" is not a necessity if you already eat healthy.
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