I believe in exercise being fun.
I think the lack of fun exercises is one of the primary reasons why many people in North America don't exercise that much because they associate exercise with work and boring activities. They don't look forward to exercise and instead dread it. My goal is to get clients out there doing activities they enjoy, taking part in the activities Toronto has to offer, so that they can learn to keep exercising long after I am gone and keep pushing themselves towards their fitness goals.
I also believe in providing dietary advice because a healthy body is like a cart with two wheels. One wheel is exercise and the other wheel is a healthy diet. If either wheel gets bogged down then the cart just turns in circles and you don't reach your goal. What is the most important thing in this? You, the driver. As your personal trainer it is my goal to help you get those wheels unstuck and turning in the right direction.
I live in Leaside myself, but I train people in Rosedale, Davisville, Yorkville, Lawrence Park, Bridle Path, Thorncliff Park, Deer Park, Moore Park, Forest Hill and other parts of Uptown Toronto! I prefer to train people outside, but if you have an air conditioned gym or access to a pool (I also teach swimming) I can train you there too. Some days we may end up going on a journey to do something unusual and fun, but otherwise my goal is to open your eyes to the world of opportunities in your backyard within Toronto and the GTA.
I have a Level One certification from ELITE Trainers, a personal trainers certification company in Toronto.
During each 1 hour session I will mentor you on exercise, supervise you while you do your exercises to make sure you are challenging yourself, and I will advise you on your eating habits.
Hourly Rate = $50.
Get 10 Hours of personal instruction for $450.
Get 25 Hours for $1100 - Get 50 Hours for $2100 - Get 100 Hours for $4,000.
You decide when you want the sessions and then we work together to accommodate your schedule and get the results you are looking for. By setting monthly goals and expectations we can guarantee results over the long term.

Best of all I believe in workouts being FUN. So expect to strap on boxing gloves, take up archery, swordfighting and other fun activities that you can make part of your regular fitness routine. Cardio is a big part of what I do but I also like to mix it up a bit so you are feeling relaxed, enjoying yourself and feeling better about yourself. Remember its all about YOU.
Sessions will take place outdoors because I firmly believe fresh air does the body good. (Plus good luck finding an archery range indoors.)
I am also talkative so you will never be bored during workouts. I will keep you talking about things that keep you interested and enjoying yourself. (And the more you enjoy yourself the more exercise becomes fun and something you want to do regularly.)
My role is to motivate you, to challenge you and enlighten you!
Terms and Conditions
See Cardio Trek's page on Rescheduling and Missed Sessions for our Terms and Conditions with respect to cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, illness and more.
To schedule a workout email cardiotrek@gmail.com.