I specialize in teaching adults how to swim and how to enjoy being in the water. Your fear can be overcome once you learn how much fun swimming can be and when practiced safely you will grow confident in your ability.
First Lesson - $50 for 90 minutes.
Additional Lessons - $60 for 90 minutes.
6 Lessons per Month - $350 for 9 hours.
Swimwear is NOT provided. Get your own!
Email cardiotrek@gmail.com to Schedule a Lesson
In addition to swimming some of you may also want to learn how to snorkel. (Because its even more fun!)

First Lesson - $65 for 90 minutes.
Additional Lessons - $75 for 90 minutes.
6 Lessons per Month - $440 for 9 hours.
Snorkeling Equipment is NOT provided.
It is recommended that you purchase the following items:
1x BODY GLOVE silicone swim mask
1x DIVE N' SURF professional dive snorkel - 100% submersible
1x SPEEDO nose plugs
Terms and Conditions
See Cardio Trek's page on Rescheduling and Missed Sessions for our Terms and Conditions with respect to cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, illness and more.
Email cardiotrek@gmail.com to Schedule a Lesson