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Body Fat Analyzers vs Calipers: A Look at Two Methods to Measure Your Body Fat Percentage

Guest Post by Ruby.

Truth be told – one cannot depend on checking the weight alone when it comes to determining health status.

Weight does not give a clear indication of how healthy a person truly is. On the other hand, determining your body fat percentage offers a better insight on health status and serves as a more reliable method of charting physical improvement.

In general, there are two ways to check this. One is with the help of body fat analyzers and the other one is through the use of calipers. These two highly differ in precision, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness.

A Quick Check on Body Fat Analyzers

The modern-day body fat analyzers come in different forms. You can easily find the hand-held types these days.

Others are more comfortable using the body fat scales, which can be used just like the typical bathroom scales.

Body mass index and body fat are usually measured with the help of galvanized electrodes sent through the body.

For the step-on type, you will be required to stand for a couple of minutes without moving to obtain an accurate reading of measurement. You can compare the best body fat analyzers; see their features and advantages at

Advantages of Using Body Fat Analyzers

As today’s body fat analyzers are digital, they can measure more than just the body fat. They can obtain measurements on the weight, body water percentage, bone mass, metabolic age, muscle mass, BMR, and the visceral fat.

In addition, these platforms can also be synced to your mobile phones or computers so you can see results and reports anywhere.

Disadvantages of Using Body Fat Analyzers

While some hand-held bioelectrical body fat testers may be affordable and offer fairly accurate reading, other types do not come cheap.

This is particularly true for the home-use body fat testers that are equipped with footpads.

A Quick Look at the Calipers

Calipers are used to perform the ‘pinch test’ or the skinfold method.

The two recommended areas for the test are the tummy and the thigh areas. The test begins by pinching the skin to raise the two layers of the skin and the adipose tissue.

The calipers are then clipped at about 1 cm at a right angle and the reading is done. Measurements are taken twice to get the median value which is used to calculate the estimated body fat percentage of the person.

Advantages of Using Calipers

Using calipers offers a number of advantages including a low cost and a relatively high level of accuracy. The digital type of calibers has quadri-features, which enable them to obtain four types of measurement ( inside, depth, outside, and step measurements).

Disadvantages of Using Calipers 

The use of the digital type of calipers also has disadvantages such as being non-water resistant. It takes a lot of time to take accurate measurement.

In addition, the use of calipers also requires a certain level of expertise to be used accurately.

Whether you intend to use a body fat analyzer or digital calipers, it is important to bear in mind the purposes of measuring body fat – to maintain a good weight, to be reminded to embrace healthier lifestyle choices, and to monitor your physical progress.

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