Celebrities from Gwyneth Paltrow to the Kardashians are trying to get you to buy into their particular brand of health product.
This in and of itself could be a good thing, in fact some of these products could be really helpful in getting you into shape.
But it may also be a bad thing because a recommendation from a celebrity may not be the most informed source of information about your health (better sources include your doctor or a scientist).
So let's look at some celebrity health products and lifestyles and follow some simple rules that will help us make the best decision.
If the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) says it is not good, that might be a sign.
A health supplement and sexual enhancing drug has been endorsed by the football personalities Jimmy Johnson.
In a commercial, he says that the product works for him and with 1 billion pills sold it must work for the other men who purchased them (which is faulty logic because all we really know is that they purchased it not that it works for them; in fact for all we know a good proportion of the men that purchased the pills could be suffering from adverse health effects because of the pill [though this has not been proven]).
Despite the praise showered on the drug by Jimmy Johnson, the FDA has denounced the drug and issued a voluntary recall for it in 2011.
The spokesman at the FDA said that they have received reports of spiked products, poor regulation of what is put in the pill (including counterfeit and undeclared ingredients) and that it included ingredients that have been banned in the United States (including 1 that is known to cause heart disease.
If the celebrity is a little shady.
I am talking about those celebrities (and I use that word very loosely) that you are not so sure should be celebrities. These include the reality stars or the 15 minutes of fame on Youtube variety. These people essentially hit the lottery and have done nothing to deserve your attention.
A lot of the time these people want to extend their paydays and by extension their celebrity so they may endorse things that in the long run (or short run for that matter) are not the best choices for your health. Snooki and The Situation from MTV's reality hit Jersey Shore are just some celebrities that have endorsed products that are meant to make you healthier but really there are questions marks about the products efficacy.
Snooki endorsed a cookie diet, but even she has conceded that working out everyday is the best way to lose weight.
The Situation has endorsed a protein infused vodka drink that falls short in terms of it's weight losing abilities.
If it just sounds crazy.
Some diets are just a little too crazy for normal people. If your job is to look good all day and you have the means to ensure you can maintain your lifestyle then have at it, but if you have a full time job, kids, friends and family or a restricted budget then this diet may not be for you.
Posh Spice otherwise known as Victoria Beckham swore by her 5 Hands diet in which she only ate 5 handfuls of food (which was only berries, nuts and grains) a day. That sounds great for her, but if you need a lot of energy and you want to make it through the day this may not be the best thing for you.
Gwyneth Paltrow used to live by her organic and macrobiotic diet where she would only eat whole unprocessed foods. This seemingly does not sound too extreme but when you think about it it has 2 major problems.
The first is money. How in the world could a normal person with a family possibly maintain that kind of diet financially. Organic foods way are more expensive that regular foods and could break the bank of us non-celebrities.
The second problem is nutrition. You will have to ban meat and dairy products from your diet. These foods provide important vitamins and nutrients that you will have to supplement in someway to ensure you stay healthy and without the proper guidance you could be putting your health in serious danger. Ms. Paltrow herself has since relaxed her diet restrictions so even she has admitted that her diet may not be the best way to live your life.
Listen to yourself
The best way to tell if a celebrity diet or lifestyle is a good idea for you is to check with yourself. Pay attention to what your body is saying to you. If you feel pain, stop that particular exercise. If you feel hungry or lightheaded, eat. If you feel full, stop eating. If you feel that a particular pill you are taking is making you ill, consult your physician. Everyone is different and we all have different circumstances we are living in so make sure that whatever you are doing is right for you and makes you feel better.
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