You cannot be awesome unless you attempt the awesome

"You cannot be awesome unless you attempt the awesome." - Charles Moffat, Toronto Personal Trainer

If you want be a more awesome and amazing person - and this applies to having an awesome and amazing body - then you need to start doing and practicing more awesome and amazing things with your body.


You need to practice jogging long distances if you want to run a marathon.

You need to practice archery regularly if you want to be able to shoot a moving target.

You need to practice yoga and stretching / flexibility exercises if you want to be amazingly flexible and have amazing posture.

You need to practice your tennis swing if you want to be an awesome tennis player.

And so on and so forth.

Basically anything amazing that you want to do is more or less achievable, but you need to practice.

Don't let weight or age or even disability stop you. During the last summer Olympics a Korean archer competed who was legally blind (he can only see blurry colours) but his disability did not stop him from competing in a sport that requires visual acuity.

So if he can do it, what is stopping you?

Lack of time? Just make the time.

Physical ability? Take the time to improve your physical ability.

Disability? You can learn to overcome disability. You may never be great, but you will still be awesome.

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