Being not motivated is really the biggest reason people say they want to go jogging - and then forget to do so.
According to my informal survey of friends, the following excuses are why many people decide to not go jogging.
#1. "Don't have time."
Really? You don't have time? Jogging for only 15 minutes per day is just 1% of your day. But that 15 minutes per day can make a huge difference in terms of shedding fat.
#2. "Don't have any jogging clothes or shoes."
Go buy some or double check your closet to see what you do have. They don't have to be amazingly fashionable, just work with what you have available.
#3. "Too embarrassed to jog in public."
Multiple solutions. Walk to someplace that is less public. Go jogging in the wee hours of the morning when many other people are sleeping. Jog around your house or apartment building 20 times. Jog up and down staircases.
#4. "Its too cold or raining."
Jog indoors. Check out local gyms, recreation centres, indoor parking lots.
#5. "I don't have a jogging partner."
Find a jogging partner who lives in your neighbourhood. Go jogging and look for other joggers. Or better yet, get a dog. If you already have a dog, take the dog jogging with you.
#6."My joints ache."
Your joints might be aching due to lack of exercise. Start by going for walks, then hiking, and as your joint pain is lessened start jogging gradually.
#7. "My breasts bounce around too much and it hurts."
Buy a really good quality sports bra that fits you properly and significantly reduces the bounciness.
#8. "I don't have a stopwatch."
Do you really need a stopwatch? If so, download a stopwatch app to your smartphone.
#9. "I am afraid of being robbed."
Oh really? Who is going to rob a jogger carrying keys and a cellphone and no wallet or purse?
#10. "I don't like jogging."
Okay. Why? There has to be a reason why.
"Umm, its too much like exercise and I get tired so easily."
You get tired so easily because you don't exercise. Start by walking more regularly, then hiking and gradually build up to jogging. You will discover you love it once you build up your endurance.
BONUS - "I need knee surgery and my doctor said I need to avoid exercises that might hurt my knee."
Okay, that is a legitimate reason. You may want to consider other exercises such as light swimming so you can stay active without putting undue stress on your knee.
But for everyone else who doesn't have a good reason and have lots of excuses, please tell me what your excuse is? Post in the comments below and have a nice day!
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