Exercising while on Vacation

When I was little my parents really only had 1 kind of vacation they went on:


Hours upon hours in a stuffy car (not always with AC), not getting any exercise and when we did get outside it was usually for guided tours of caves (spelunking, huzzah), historical sites or museums.

Small surprise that when I reached adulthood my standard for vacations were very different.

#1. I went via train or bus and once there I walked, cycled or took a taxi. It was more relaxing and I got more exercise that way.

#2. I took up freehand mountain climbing. Lots of exercise and some danger involved because there is no safety harness. No more caves for me.

#3. I love Buddhist temples in Asia... and they're usually near the top of a mountain, so again, another excuse to exercise. Take your camera with you.

However not everyone is like me and embraces exercising while on vacation. So here is Three Ways to Be Fit on Vacation

1. Book Hotels with Fitness Facilities

You should rarely book accommodations that doesn't have a gym. Not only does this narrow down your search results for a hotel or resort but it allows you to stick to my normal running + gym regimen.

You will discover that working out first thing in the morning helps you to stay mindful of your diet throughout the day (people tend to overeat while on vacation), and although a vacation allows a little leeway on nutrition initiates, it still helps toward not completely destroying my pre-holiday results!

2. When a Gym is not Available, Make Do

Even though you can make the best effort to stay in hotels with fitness equipment it doesn't always work out. Sometimes, the resort never even had a gym in the first place, their facility is under renovation or they open later than when you need to exercise. In this case you make the most of what you have by running on the beach, doing body weight exercises in your room or walking the grounds of the resort.

3. Plan for some Activity

It's great to sit on your butt all day and heck, you very well may deserve it but planning some hikes, swimming or any other activity is not a bad idea! Not only will you see more of the country that you are visiting but you will work up an appetite for those restaurant sized meal portions.

4. SWIM!

If you are staying at a place near the beach or has a pool, make an effort to use it. Don't just pack your swimsuit and then forget to use it.

Better yet, take up snorkeling. It is AMAZINGLY GOOD FUN.

If a tiger can swim, so can you. :)

1 comment:

  1. Who is the hot chic soaking up the waves?


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