Eating Healthy in a Hurry

Many people lead very hectic schedules and thus have a hard time matching their desire to eat healthy with their daily routine. If you find yourself in the same boat here are three easy meals that can be prepared in 10 minutes or less.
Behold, three recipes for Eating Healthy in a Hurry
1. Eggs and Veggies with Salsa on a Tortilla
Frozen vegetables are your friend! A mix of different vegetables should be added to a small pan until they are heated for 4-5 minutes. Add 1/4 cup of eggs or egg whites (2 Tbsp) and cook an additional 2 minutes turning once. Cut a piece off the omelet and add it to a tortilla or whole grain toast. Add salsa, pepper or whatever seasoning you prefer, eat and enjoy! The extra omelet on the side makes it seem like you are eating more than you really are so you end up feeling satisfied.
2. Cottage Cheese Fruit Bowl

Frozen fruit is also your friend! This one requires a little more planning ahead. The night before put about 1/2 - 1 cup of frozen fruit or berries of your choice in a bowl and cover on the counter. In the morning add 1/2 - 1 cup of cottage cheese. Ground flax can also be added for more texture, healthy fat and fiber. Makes a surprisingly filling breakfast. Best of all it's high protein!

3. Veggie + Protein Stir Fry

Looking to reduce your carbs intake? It's not a bad idea to have a low carb meal every once in a while. Add a generous amount of veggies to the pan and cook 4 to 5 minutes. Add your protein of choice (leftover chicken, tofu or even roasted ham works really well) and a tsp of soy sauce, or a preferred cooking liquid (I like Worcestershire sauce), and cook until done.

All of these quick and easy meals are under 300 calories. They are low in fat and high in protein. Huzzah!

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