If you've been here before you may notice that this website is now www.cardiotrek.ca.
Special thanks to Jim Garvin from local Toronto company SiteAction.com for helping to setup the domain name.
10 Exercise Tricks
12 New Years Resolutions
12 Steps of Becoming Healthier
30 Days as a Vegetarian
5 Slimming Foods
6 Minute Cardio
8 Super Fun Exercises
Ab Workouts
Adrenaline High Weight Loss
Afterburn Effect
Beach Perfect Body
Building Endurance
Calorie Myths
Cardio Exercises
Competitive Sports
Exercise Books
Exercise Humour
Exercise Myths
Exercise Questions
Exercise Quotes
Family Fitness
Frugal Exercises
Healthy Food
Home Gym
Interval Training
Living Longer
Loose Skin
Mission Statement
Morning Exercises
Motivating Yourself
Myth Busting
Obesity and Weight Loss
Personal Trainers
Professional Athletes
Rest and Sleep
Sit Ups
Special Offers
Sports Injuries
Summer Activities
Testing Your Limits
The Pet Project
Toronto Gyms
Tracking your Calorie Loss
Unusual Exercises
Vacation Exercises
Walking and Hiking
Whey Protein
Winter Activities
Zen Exercising
Maximum Results + Minimum Time
A lot of people in North America really only exercise for one reason: To Lose Weight.
But they don't want to work hard to do it. Exercise? That sounds too much like work. It is that kind of pessimistic and lazy attitude that causes people to become paralyzed by "I'll do it later." It is therefore no surprise that America has an obesity epidemic when you considered a combined lifestyle of bad diet and lack of exercise. Also to blame is all the nutritional / exercise misinformation being pushed at them by the food industry and even people in the exercise industry who really just want to sell you something.
Well to be fair, I am selling something too. Personal Training. But I am also a strong believer in giving away free information so that people can go the Do-It-Yourself route.
One of the things people are always looking for is ways to maximize their weight loss... but they want to do it in the minimum amount of time required.
This to me is the typical male approach to getting a task done. If you give a guy three boxes and tell him to carry them upstairs one at a time he will look at you funny, stack all three boxes together and then try to carry them up the stairs all at once. Its not lazy, its male logic. "I can carry all three at once and therefore accomplish the task in one shot."
Part of it might be male ego and testosterone, that is for psychiatrists to decide, but the analogy is good.
So how do we apply this to exercise?
#1. You want to maximize calorie loss per minute.
This means you're going to have to compare exercises and pick one that burns a lot of calories in a hurry. The obvious choice is running because that burns the most calories more than any other exercise, but depending on your goals you might also choose weight lifting, a specific sport, skipping rope, jumping jacks or even yoga.
#2. At the same time you want to be able to keep up the activity for the stated length of time.
So for example if your plan is to only exercise for 15 to 30 minutes per day then you ideally want to be burning a lot of calories during that time period and not stopping to rest. So you want to pick an activity that you're certain you can do. eg. Jogging for 30 minutes.
#3. You want to push your limits in order to maximize results.
One way to do this is via Interval Training. So to take the example of running and jogging you could do the following:
Sprint 1 minute, jog for 2 minutes. Repeat 10 times. Total time 30 minutes.
And if you're still not tired after the 30 minutes, sprint for an additional amount of time until you're ready to quit.
The same method can also be used for weight lifting and mixed cardio.
30 lb bicep curls 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
Pushups 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
Chin-ups 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
25 lb bicep curls 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
Pushups 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
Chin-ups 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
20 lb bicep curls 3 minutes, jumping jacks for 3 minutes.
Total time 30 minutes.
#4. The Fun Factor.
Running and weightlifting can be pretty boring however. That is why it is important to mix it up with music and other things to make them more interesting. Try and pick music that makes you feel invigorated. Eye of the Tiger, Super Trouper, Hungry like the Wolf, TV theme songs... whatever gets your heart and mind racing.
If that still isn't enough fun for you my recommendation is to take up a sport every day for 30 minutes (or longer). If its truly fun you will lose track of time and want to do it every day. (This is why I got into archery and boxing in the first place. They're sports I never get bored of.)
If you can find an activity you enjoy that you can do every day for 30 minutes and it doesn't feel like a chore or work, awesome. Then all you have to do is push yourself to your limits in an effort to maximize your results / calorie loss.
Eventually you will hopefully lose track of time and your worries over "minimizing time and effort" will disappear.
#5. Variety.
Always try new things.
If the only things you are doing is running or weightlifting, your body will stagnate. You will reach a plateau where you can't cross an endurance barrier. To get around that you need to try new things and use muscles you aren't used to using. Yoga is good for this, but you can find many other activities which can activate those rarely used muscles. Once you do so you will be able to push your "maximum" to new heights by awakening muscles you never knew you had.
But they don't want to work hard to do it. Exercise? That sounds too much like work. It is that kind of pessimistic and lazy attitude that causes people to become paralyzed by "I'll do it later." It is therefore no surprise that America has an obesity epidemic when you considered a combined lifestyle of bad diet and lack of exercise. Also to blame is all the nutritional / exercise misinformation being pushed at them by the food industry and even people in the exercise industry who really just want to sell you something.
Well to be fair, I am selling something too. Personal Training. But I am also a strong believer in giving away free information so that people can go the Do-It-Yourself route.
One of the things people are always looking for is ways to maximize their weight loss... but they want to do it in the minimum amount of time required.
This to me is the typical male approach to getting a task done. If you give a guy three boxes and tell him to carry them upstairs one at a time he will look at you funny, stack all three boxes together and then try to carry them up the stairs all at once. Its not lazy, its male logic. "I can carry all three at once and therefore accomplish the task in one shot."
Part of it might be male ego and testosterone, that is for psychiatrists to decide, but the analogy is good.
So how do we apply this to exercise?
#1. You want to maximize calorie loss per minute.
This means you're going to have to compare exercises and pick one that burns a lot of calories in a hurry. The obvious choice is running because that burns the most calories more than any other exercise, but depending on your goals you might also choose weight lifting, a specific sport, skipping rope, jumping jacks or even yoga.
#2. At the same time you want to be able to keep up the activity for the stated length of time.
So for example if your plan is to only exercise for 15 to 30 minutes per day then you ideally want to be burning a lot of calories during that time period and not stopping to rest. So you want to pick an activity that you're certain you can do. eg. Jogging for 30 minutes.
#3. You want to push your limits in order to maximize results.
One way to do this is via Interval Training. So to take the example of running and jogging you could do the following:
Sprint 1 minute, jog for 2 minutes. Repeat 10 times. Total time 30 minutes.
And if you're still not tired after the 30 minutes, sprint for an additional amount of time until you're ready to quit.
The same method can also be used for weight lifting and mixed cardio.
30 lb bicep curls 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
Pushups 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
Chin-ups 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
25 lb bicep curls 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
Pushups 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
Chin-ups 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes.
20 lb bicep curls 3 minutes, jumping jacks for 3 minutes.
Total time 30 minutes.
#4. The Fun Factor.
Running and weightlifting can be pretty boring however. That is why it is important to mix it up with music and other things to make them more interesting. Try and pick music that makes you feel invigorated. Eye of the Tiger, Super Trouper, Hungry like the Wolf, TV theme songs... whatever gets your heart and mind racing.
If that still isn't enough fun for you my recommendation is to take up a sport every day for 30 minutes (or longer). If its truly fun you will lose track of time and want to do it every day. (This is why I got into archery and boxing in the first place. They're sports I never get bored of.)
If you can find an activity you enjoy that you can do every day for 30 minutes and it doesn't feel like a chore or work, awesome. Then all you have to do is push yourself to your limits in an effort to maximize your results / calorie loss.
Eventually you will hopefully lose track of time and your worries over "minimizing time and effort" will disappear.
#5. Variety.
Always try new things.
If the only things you are doing is running or weightlifting, your body will stagnate. You will reach a plateau where you can't cross an endurance barrier. To get around that you need to try new things and use muscles you aren't used to using. Yoga is good for this, but you can find many other activities which can activate those rarely used muscles. Once you do so you will be able to push your "maximum" to new heights by awakening muscles you never knew you had.
Archery Testimonial
"I am new to archery, and Charles has given me a great start. He was
very patient, attentive to details, emphasized the importance of
focusing on form and good technique. I really enjoyed the training and
learned a lot from it. His teaching fee was very reasonable, and a good
investment. I would definitely recommend Charles to anyone who wants to
learn archery."
- Larry T.
- Larry T.
![]() |
A Very Tight Vertical Line of Arrows |
69 Frugal Exercises using your own Body Weight
Now I admit as a personal trainer I am shooting myself in the proverbial foot by giving away free exercise advice for how to exercise without a personal trainer. But I must admit that such advice really should be free and I salute anyone who gives it away.
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands extended towards ceiling. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Also raise legs up towards ceiling and attempt to touch your hands to your feet.
3. Return to start position.
Full Sit Up
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench until you are seated in an upright position.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Hanging Hip Raise
1. Grab onto bar and hang from the bar with your arms straight.
2. Start position: bring knees up with hip flexed at approximately 90°.
3. Keeping back firmly pressed against back support, slowly lower legs.
4. Return to start position.
5. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Keep stomach tight (naval drawn in towards spine) throughout entire movement.
Lumbar Roll
1. Lie on your back with your legs in thighs perpendicular to the floor and your knees bent.
2. Keeping your shoulders on the ground slowly rotate your legs to the right until they touch the floor.
3. In a controlling manner bring your legs back up to the starting position.
4. Repeat with the other side.
Single Leg Plank Raise
1. Start by forming a straight plank with your forearms and feet as the contact points on the ground.
2. Once the plank is formed raise one foot off the ground and then return to the starting position.
3. Repeat this movement for the desired repetitions alternating back and forth between legs.
Stick Crunch
1. Start by lying on your back with your legs bent to 90 degrees.
2. Holding a stick or broom handle with both hands reach up and crunch towards your feet.
3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.
Power boat pose
1. Start by sitting on the floor and extending your legs and arms.
2. Lean back keeping your legs straight with your arms extended in front of you.
3. Hold this balanced position maintaining proper positioning for the desired time limit.
4. Rest and repeat for the desired repetitions.
Alternating Toe Touch
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with feet up into the air. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Extend one arm and reach for the opposite foot. Return to start position and repeat with other hand. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. To increase resistance, hold medicine ball in hands. To decrease resistance, position hand closer towards body
Rollouts with Ab wheel
1. Start by sitting on your knees and placing your hands on the ab wheel.
2. Proceed to roll out with the ab wheel until your body is parallel with the floor.
3. Using your arms pull yourself back up to a semi-upright position.
4. Repeat for the suggested repetitions.
Ankle Wiggles
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands at your side. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Reach for you ankle with one hand and repeat with the other side.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Straight Arm Hold
1. Starting Position: Lie on your side with your right hand on the ground.
2. Lift yourself up to form a plank with your right arm straight and your left arm on your side.
3. Hold this position for the recommended number of reps.
4. Repeat with the other side.
Oblique Abductor Raise
1. Start by getting into a lateral plank pose with your hips off the ground.
2. Your only ground contact points should be your feet and elbow.
3. Holding this position raise your outside leg keeping it straight until you reach full range of motion.
4. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.
5. Switch sides and repeat.
Reverse Crunch Scissor Kicks
1. Start by lying on your back with your legs perpendicular to the floor.
2. Slowly lower one leg until you are no longer able to keep your lower back neutral to the floor.
3. Lift your leg back up and then repeat with the other leg for the desired repetitions.
4. As you get stronger continue to lower your legs closer to the floor as long as you can keep your back neutral with the floor.
Single Leg Plank Pose
1. Start by forming a straight plank with your forearms and feet as the contact points on the ground.
2. Once the plank is formed raise one foot off the ground and hold this position for the desired time.
3. Once the time has been met return your foot to the ground and repeat with the other leg.
Double Crunch
1. Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Start position: Hands behind head and knees bent at 90 degrees.
3. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominals and raise shoulders off floor or bench. During the crunch, also bring knees towards chest.
4. Return to start position.
5. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Vertical Hip Raise
1. Step up onto apparatus and place forearms into pads. Grasp handles and stabilize shoulders by depressing shoulders down.
2. Start position: bring knees up with hip flexed at approximately 90°.
3. Keeping back firmly pressed against back support, slowly lower legs.
4. Return to start position.
5. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Keep stomach tight (naval drawn in towards spine) throughout entire movement.
Straight Arm Modified Crunch
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees straight or bent if you prefer, both hands straight and down by waist. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Extended arm should remain fixed and parallel to head.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. Also only curl your torso until your shoulders blades are off the ground. Do not try to sit up to an upright position. To increase resistance, hold dumbbell in hand of extended arm. To decrease resistance, position hand closer towards body.
Pushup Medicine Ball Bridge
1. Get on your knees and place hands on a medicine ball.
2. Start position: Align hands at nipple line, place feet hip width apart on toes, and extend the arms to raise body up. Trunk and hips should be in a straight line.
3. Hold for the recommended number of seconds.
Janda Sit up
1. The performance of this exercise is done by sitting in a normal situp position feet flat on ground but vigorously tightening hamstrings and glutes.
2. This will cause the hip flexors to be inactivated in a process called reciprocal inhibition which basically means that opposite muscles to the contracted ones will relax.
3. As you begin the exercise fill your lungs with air and in a slow three to five second count ascent, slowly exhale.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Leg Raise Pike
1. Start by holding a high bar with your body outstretched completely.
2. Proceed to raise your legs up and touch your feet to the bar. Keep legs as straight as possible.
3. Do not swing during this motion. Your upper body should stay relatively quiet.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat.
1. Start by placing your forearms on the ground and forming a plank with your forearms and feet.
2. Hold this position keeping your body parallel to the ground for the required time.
Prone Plank Rotation on the ball
1. Start by placing your shins on top of the stability ball and getting yourself into a pushup position.
2. Keeping your body in a tight straight line rotate your legs so that the ball is now on the side of one of your legs. Your hips should be twisted compared to your upper torso.
3. Proceed to return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
4. If this is too difficult to control and balance at first then move the ball up towards your thighs and complete the movement from there. When you have more control then move the ball back down towards your shins.
Pushup with rotation
1. Start by completing a normal pushup and then at the top of the second pushup pick your hand up off the ground and rotate your upper body so that your hand is above your head.
2. Proceed to complete this same movement with the other arm. Then return to a normal pushup.
3. Complete this movement for the desired number of repetitions.
4. To make this more challenging hold a dumbell in each hand while completing this movement.
Reverse Crunch with hands behind your head
1. Start by lying on your back with your hands behind or above your head.
2. Proceed to draw in your belly button toward your spine and lift both legs up at the same time towards your chest.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat making sure that you don't arch your back as you are lowering or raising your legs.
Single Leg Leg Raise
1. Start by bending one leg keeping the foot on the ground.
2. Proceed to raise the other leg off the ground in a bent knee position to activate the abs.
3. This is a basic exercise but essential to master before moving on to the next step.
4. Once you have that mastered you can raise your leg keeping it straight and extended.
5. Repeat for the desired repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.
Straight Leg Obliques
1. Starting Position: Lie on your back and raise your legs straight into the air.
2. Rotate your legs keeping them straight to the side and the then return to the starting position. Repeat to the other side.
Lying Side Crunch
1. Lie with back on floor or bench with knees bent.
2. Start position: Let your knees fall to the right so that your hips are somewhat rotated.
3. Leading with the chin and left shoulder, contract abdominal muscles and raise left shoulder off floor or bench towards left knee.
4. Return to start position. Repeat with other side.
5. Remember to keep head and neck in neutral position throughout movement. Do not twist excessively - elbow does not need to touch knee.
Pushup Bridge
1. Get on your knees and place hands on the ground.
2. Start position: Align hands at nipple line, place feet hip width apart on toes, and extend the arms to raise body up. Trunk and hips should be in a straight line.
3. Hold for the recommended number of seconds.
Hip Circles
1. Sit on the floor and place a balance disc underneath your hips.
2. Raise your legs off the floor and keeping them together rotate them around in a circular motion.
3. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
1. Start position: Lie face down on floor with hands down at sides. You may place a rolled towel under forehead to clear face from floor.
2. Raise chest and head off floor keeping feet in contact with floor.
3. Return to start position.
4. To increase resistance, extend arms and place hands overhead.
5. Do not raise head past 8-12 inches - excessive hyperextension may cause injury. To vary exercise raise feet while raising trunk.
Incline Hip Raise
Lie and an incline bench with your head at the top and your feet towards the lower side.
Starting position: Bring your knees to your chest and curl your hips up towards your shoulders.
Return to the starting position.
Scissor Kicks
1. Lie back onto floor or bench with both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2. Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3. Start position: Straighten both legs so that they are perpendicular to floor.
4. Slowly bring legs out away from each other and then return to side by side.
5. Return to start position and repeat.
Single Leg Hip Extension on Disc (with lift)
1. Starting position: Lie on your back on floor and place a balance disc under your upper back.
2. Raise one leg towards your chest and simultaneously crunch up towards that same knee.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
4. Repeat according to the prescribed repetitions.
Oblique Crunch
1. Start by placing your left foot over your right knee and place your hands behind your head.
2. Lift your shoulders up off the ground and twist so that your right elbows tries to touch your left knee.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat according to the required repetitions.
4. Repeat with the other side.
1. From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your hands on the ground.
2. Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a push up position and jump back up again as fast as possible.
3. Repeat for the required repetitions
Adductor stretch with crunch
1. Start by laying on top of the ball with the small of your back being on top of the ball.
2. Next place your legs on the wall and spread them apart until a slight stretch is felt in your adductors.
3. Once stabilized proceed into a crunch and then return to the starting position.
4. Repeat this movement for the desired repetitions.
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench.
3. Return to start position.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Situp Hold
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Now hold for prescribed number of seconds.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Lying Hip Flexion on Disc
1. Lie back onto floor with balance disc under your lower back and hips and both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2. Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3. Start position: Raise both legs so that they are flexed 90 degrees at the hip.
4. Slowly lower one leg almost parallel to the floor
5. Return to start position and repeat with other leg.
6. Remember to maintain stability in lower back throughout movement by keeping abdominal muscles contracted - DO NOT ARCH LOWER BACK.
Pushup on extreme balance board
1. Start by placing your hands on a balance board and your feet on the ground
2. Move into a plank position and maintain your balance by extending your arms.
3. Proceed to bend your elbows while maintaining your balance until your elbows are bent to about 90 degrees.
4. Extend your elbows until you reach full extension.
5. Keep your abs drawn in tight to maintain good technique.
Seated Balance on BOSU ball
1. Start by sitting on a BOSU ball or balance board and balance disc.
2. Raise your hands up off the ground and then your legs until you are balancing.
3. Keep your abs tight to maintain your balance.
4. Hold for the prescribed time and then repeat.
Prone Knee Tuck on ball
1. Start in a push up position with your feet on top of a stability ball.
2. Slowly bring your knees in towards your chest and then return to the starting position.
3. When your legs are extended make sure to keep your hips parallel with your body and do not let them sag towards the ground.
1. Get into a pushup position with your feet on a bench.
2. Raise your right knee towards your left shoulder as you rotate your hips up and to the left as far as you can.
3. Then reverse direction and rotate your hips up and to the right. Try to touch your right foot to the back of your left shoulder. You will not physically be able to do this.
4. That is one rep and continue for the prescribed repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.
Air Bike Crunches
1. Start by lying on your back with your hands behind your back and thighs bent 90 degrees at your hip.
2. Simultaneously curl your right shoulder and left knee up towards the center of your body until your elbow and knee touch. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
3. Continuously repeat this pattern for the prescribed repetitions.
Ball Transfer Crunch
1. Start by lying on your back with a stability ball held between your legs and your arms directly above your head.
2. Simultaneously raise your legs with the ball and your shoulders up towards the ceiling.
3. At the top grab the ball with your arms and return to the starting position with the ball in your hands.
4. Repeat this movement and transfer the ball back to your feet.
5. Repeat for the required repetitions.
Belly Blaster
1. Start in a plank position with your elbows and forearms on the ground, your body parallel to the floor and up on your toes.
2. Make sure your belly button is drawn in toward your spine and raise your hips up into the air and hold for a 1 second count.
3. Return to the starting and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Long Lever Crunches
1. Lie on your back with your arms over your head and knees bent with feet flat on the floor.
2. Curl your shoulders up and towards your knees keeping your arms overhead.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Full Situp with Twist
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. As you come up twist one shoulder towards the opposite knee.
3. Return to start position and repeat with the other shoulder.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Decline Reverse Crunch
1. Lie on a decline bench with your head at the top and feet towards the floor.
2. Keeping your legs semi straight curl them up towards your head and try to curl your hips up off the bench when you reach the top.
3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat keeping your legs in control at all times.
Elbow Stabilization
1. Form a plank position with your elbows and your feet keeping your body parallel to the floor.
2. Keeping your trunk tight and parallel lift up one elbow and rotate your trunk and shoulders.
3. Hold for a count of 2 and then return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm.
4. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Hip Thrusts
1. Lie on your back with your legs bent 90 degrees at the hip.
2. Slowly lift your hips off the floor and towards the ceiling.
3. Lower your hips to the floor and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Bench Reverse Crunch
1. Start by lying on your back and holding onto the bench with your hands above your head.
2. Keeping your knees bent to 90 degrees left your legs up off the ground and bring your knees up and towards your shoulders.
3. Your range of motion should be far enough so that your hips curl back towards your shoulders as well. Lift your legs and hips with control to avoid jerky motions that create momentum.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.
Pushup Superman w/ Alternating Arms
1. Starting Position: Start the movement in a plank position. Holding that position raise your right arm and left leg off of the ground.
2. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm and leg. Hold each lift for 1-2 seconds.
Straight Arm Pushup Hold
1. Starting Position: Start the movement in a pushup position.
2. Extend your arms into a pushup.
3. Hold that position for the prescribed number of seconds.
Flutter Kicks
1. Lie back onto floor or bench with both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2. Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3. Start position: Straighten both legs so that they are perpendicular to floor.
4. Slowly lower one leg to approximately 45-90°.
5. Return to start position and repeat with other leg.
Lateral flexion on balance disc
1. Lie on your side with a balance disc under your hip.
2. Laterally flex your body so that you raise your upper body off the floor. You will only raise up a couple of inches.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat. Perform with other side.
Bicycle Kicks
1. Lie on your back with your knees at chest level and your arms flat on the floor.
2. Alternate extending your legs by extending one leg out straight and as you bring it in extend the other leg out.
3. Continue to repeat this process like you are riding a bicycle until the required repetitions are completed.
4. Make sure you keep your back flat during the movement. If you are unable to keep your back flat then reduce the extension of your legs.
Bridge (Plank) on elbows
1. Start by lying face down on the ground. Place your elbows and forearms underneath your chest.
2. Prop yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms.
3. Maintain a flat back and do not allow your hips to sag towards the ground.
4. Hold for the required time limit or until you can no longer maintain a flat bridge.
Double Leg Pressouts
1. Start by lying on your back with your knees towards your chest and your arms flat on the ground.
2. Keeping your back flat throughout the movement kick your legs out and away until they are almost straight.
3. Bring your legs back in and repeat for the required number of repetitions.
4. If you are unable to keep your back flat on the floor throughout the movement shorten the distance that your legs extend until you get stronger.
Side Bridge
1. Start on your side and press up with your right arm.
2. Form a bridge with your arm extended and hold for the prescribed number of repetitions.
3 point rollout on ball
1. Place your forearms on top of the ball and your feet anchored on the floor.
2. Keep your trunk in a parallel position and draw your belly button in towards your spine.
3. Slowly extend your arms out away from your body and then bring them back in towards your chest.
4. Do not let your hips drop below parallel. If this happens do not extend your arms as far. Your arms should only be extended as far as you can without dropping your hips below parallel.
Plank Knee-ins
1. Start by getting on your hands and knees in a push-up position.
2. Keeping your abs tight and your trunk parallel bring one knee in towards your chest.
3. Return the foot back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
Abdominal Strengthening
1. Lay on your back with knees bent. Place a towel in the small of your back. Keep your lower back pressed against the towel.
2. Tighten abdominal muscles and hold.
In one continuous move, slowly straighten left leg, pause, and then bring it back to the starting position. Do the same with right leg. Let your heels slide across the floor.
3. Maintain tightened abdominals as you alternate legs.
4. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Unilateral Leg Raise on balance disc
1. Lie back onto floor on top of a balance disc with both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2. Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3. Start position: Straighten both legs so that they are perpendicular to floor.
4. Slowly lower one leg to approximately 45°.
5. Return to start position and repeat.
6. Remember to maintain stability in lower back throughout movement by keeping abdominal muscles contracted - DO NOT ARCH LOWER BACK. To increase intensity, lower legs past 45° without touching floor as long as trunk stability is maintained.
Side Plank
1. Lay on the ground on one side. Raise your body using one forearm and support it in this raised position for the required time.
2. Lower your body and repeat on the other side.
3. Remember to keep your head, neck and body in a straight line.
Supine Double Leg Raise
1. Start by lying on your back and a slight bend in your knees.
2. Raise your legs to a perpendicular position to the floor. This is your starting position.
3. Slowly lower your legs until you are no longer able to keep your abs tight and your low back on the floor.
4. Raise your legs back up to the starting position and repeat.
5. Only lower your legs as far as your abs have enough strength for.
Isometric Abdominal
1. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent.
2. Hollow out your stomach by sucking in your abdominal muscles.
3. Tighten abdominal muscles in this position.
4. Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat.
Elevated Prone Hip Extension
1. Start by placing your hands on the ground and your feet up on the wall.
2. Proceed to bring one knee in towards your chest and then kick your leg using your glute back onto the wall.
3. Repeat for the desired repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.
SOURCE: http://www.iwantsixpackabs.com/bodyweight/core_exercises.html
If you want more frugal exercise advice you can get lots of free advice on this website. I started my frugal exercise section in an effort to provide advice for people who cannot afford to hire a personal trainer (like me). That way you get some of the benefits of having a personal trainer, but without the costs. If you do live in Downtown Toronto and want a personal trainer you could hire me, but chances are you don't even live in Toronto and are just looking for free advice. In which case, absolutely, help yourself to all the advice on this website.
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands extended towards ceiling. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Also raise legs up towards ceiling and attempt to touch your hands to your feet.
3. Return to start position.
Full Sit Up
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench until you are seated in an upright position.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Hanging Hip Raise
1. Grab onto bar and hang from the bar with your arms straight.
2. Start position: bring knees up with hip flexed at approximately 90°.
3. Keeping back firmly pressed against back support, slowly lower legs.
4. Return to start position.
5. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Keep stomach tight (naval drawn in towards spine) throughout entire movement.
Lumbar Roll
1. Lie on your back with your legs in thighs perpendicular to the floor and your knees bent.
2. Keeping your shoulders on the ground slowly rotate your legs to the right until they touch the floor.
3. In a controlling manner bring your legs back up to the starting position.
4. Repeat with the other side.
Single Leg Plank Raise
1. Start by forming a straight plank with your forearms and feet as the contact points on the ground.
2. Once the plank is formed raise one foot off the ground and then return to the starting position.
3. Repeat this movement for the desired repetitions alternating back and forth between legs.
Stick Crunch
1. Start by lying on your back with your legs bent to 90 degrees.
2. Holding a stick or broom handle with both hands reach up and crunch towards your feet.
3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.
Power boat pose
1. Start by sitting on the floor and extending your legs and arms.
2. Lean back keeping your legs straight with your arms extended in front of you.
3. Hold this balanced position maintaining proper positioning for the desired time limit.
4. Rest and repeat for the desired repetitions.
Alternating Toe Touch
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with feet up into the air. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Extend one arm and reach for the opposite foot. Return to start position and repeat with other hand. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. To increase resistance, hold medicine ball in hands. To decrease resistance, position hand closer towards body
Rollouts with Ab wheel
1. Start by sitting on your knees and placing your hands on the ab wheel.
2. Proceed to roll out with the ab wheel until your body is parallel with the floor.
3. Using your arms pull yourself back up to a semi-upright position.
4. Repeat for the suggested repetitions.
Ankle Wiggles
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands at your side. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Reach for you ankle with one hand and repeat with the other side.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Straight Arm Hold
1. Starting Position: Lie on your side with your right hand on the ground.
2. Lift yourself up to form a plank with your right arm straight and your left arm on your side.
3. Hold this position for the recommended number of reps.
4. Repeat with the other side.
Oblique Abductor Raise
1. Start by getting into a lateral plank pose with your hips off the ground.
2. Your only ground contact points should be your feet and elbow.
3. Holding this position raise your outside leg keeping it straight until you reach full range of motion.
4. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.
5. Switch sides and repeat.
Reverse Crunch Scissor Kicks
1. Start by lying on your back with your legs perpendicular to the floor.
2. Slowly lower one leg until you are no longer able to keep your lower back neutral to the floor.
3. Lift your leg back up and then repeat with the other leg for the desired repetitions.
4. As you get stronger continue to lower your legs closer to the floor as long as you can keep your back neutral with the floor.
Single Leg Plank Pose
1. Start by forming a straight plank with your forearms and feet as the contact points on the ground.
2. Once the plank is formed raise one foot off the ground and hold this position for the desired time.
3. Once the time has been met return your foot to the ground and repeat with the other leg.
Double Crunch
1. Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Start position: Hands behind head and knees bent at 90 degrees.
3. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominals and raise shoulders off floor or bench. During the crunch, also bring knees towards chest.
4. Return to start position.
5. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Vertical Hip Raise
1. Step up onto apparatus and place forearms into pads. Grasp handles and stabilize shoulders by depressing shoulders down.
2. Start position: bring knees up with hip flexed at approximately 90°.
3. Keeping back firmly pressed against back support, slowly lower legs.
4. Return to start position.
5. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Keep stomach tight (naval drawn in towards spine) throughout entire movement.
Straight Arm Modified Crunch
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees straight or bent if you prefer, both hands straight and down by waist. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Extended arm should remain fixed and parallel to head.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. Also only curl your torso until your shoulders blades are off the ground. Do not try to sit up to an upright position. To increase resistance, hold dumbbell in hand of extended arm. To decrease resistance, position hand closer towards body.

1. Get on your knees and place hands on a medicine ball.
2. Start position: Align hands at nipple line, place feet hip width apart on toes, and extend the arms to raise body up. Trunk and hips should be in a straight line.
3. Hold for the recommended number of seconds.
1. The performance of this exercise is done by sitting in a normal situp position feet flat on ground but vigorously tightening hamstrings and glutes.
2. This will cause the hip flexors to be inactivated in a process called reciprocal inhibition which basically means that opposite muscles to the contracted ones will relax.
3. As you begin the exercise fill your lungs with air and in a slow three to five second count ascent, slowly exhale.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Leg Raise Pike
1. Start by holding a high bar with your body outstretched completely.
2. Proceed to raise your legs up and touch your feet to the bar. Keep legs as straight as possible.
3. Do not swing during this motion. Your upper body should stay relatively quiet.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat.
1. Start by placing your forearms on the ground and forming a plank with your forearms and feet.
2. Hold this position keeping your body parallel to the ground for the required time.
Prone Plank Rotation on the ball
1. Start by placing your shins on top of the stability ball and getting yourself into a pushup position.
2. Keeping your body in a tight straight line rotate your legs so that the ball is now on the side of one of your legs. Your hips should be twisted compared to your upper torso.
3. Proceed to return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
4. If this is too difficult to control and balance at first then move the ball up towards your thighs and complete the movement from there. When you have more control then move the ball back down towards your shins.
Pushup with rotation
1. Start by completing a normal pushup and then at the top of the second pushup pick your hand up off the ground and rotate your upper body so that your hand is above your head.
2. Proceed to complete this same movement with the other arm. Then return to a normal pushup.
3. Complete this movement for the desired number of repetitions.
4. To make this more challenging hold a dumbell in each hand while completing this movement.
Reverse Crunch with hands behind your head
1. Start by lying on your back with your hands behind or above your head.
2. Proceed to draw in your belly button toward your spine and lift both legs up at the same time towards your chest.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat making sure that you don't arch your back as you are lowering or raising your legs.
Single Leg Leg Raise
1. Start by bending one leg keeping the foot on the ground.
2. Proceed to raise the other leg off the ground in a bent knee position to activate the abs.
3. This is a basic exercise but essential to master before moving on to the next step.
4. Once you have that mastered you can raise your leg keeping it straight and extended.
5. Repeat for the desired repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.
Straight Leg Obliques
1. Starting Position: Lie on your back and raise your legs straight into the air.
2. Rotate your legs keeping them straight to the side and the then return to the starting position. Repeat to the other side.
Lying Side Crunch
1. Lie with back on floor or bench with knees bent.
2. Start position: Let your knees fall to the right so that your hips are somewhat rotated.
3. Leading with the chin and left shoulder, contract abdominal muscles and raise left shoulder off floor or bench towards left knee.
4. Return to start position. Repeat with other side.
5. Remember to keep head and neck in neutral position throughout movement. Do not twist excessively - elbow does not need to touch knee.
Pushup Bridge
1. Get on your knees and place hands on the ground.
2. Start position: Align hands at nipple line, place feet hip width apart on toes, and extend the arms to raise body up. Trunk and hips should be in a straight line.
3. Hold for the recommended number of seconds.
Hip Circles
1. Sit on the floor and place a balance disc underneath your hips.
2. Raise your legs off the floor and keeping them together rotate them around in a circular motion.
3. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
1. Start position: Lie face down on floor with hands down at sides. You may place a rolled towel under forehead to clear face from floor.
2. Raise chest and head off floor keeping feet in contact with floor.
3. Return to start position.
4. To increase resistance, extend arms and place hands overhead.
5. Do not raise head past 8-12 inches - excessive hyperextension may cause injury. To vary exercise raise feet while raising trunk.
Incline Hip Raise
Lie and an incline bench with your head at the top and your feet towards the lower side.
Starting position: Bring your knees to your chest and curl your hips up towards your shoulders.
Return to the starting position.
Scissor Kicks
1. Lie back onto floor or bench with both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2. Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3. Start position: Straighten both legs so that they are perpendicular to floor.
4. Slowly bring legs out away from each other and then return to side by side.
5. Return to start position and repeat.
Single Leg Hip Extension on Disc (with lift)
1. Starting position: Lie on your back on floor and place a balance disc under your upper back.
2. Raise one leg towards your chest and simultaneously crunch up towards that same knee.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
4. Repeat according to the prescribed repetitions.
Oblique Crunch
1. Start by placing your left foot over your right knee and place your hands behind your head.
2. Lift your shoulders up off the ground and twist so that your right elbows tries to touch your left knee.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat according to the required repetitions.
4. Repeat with the other side.
1. From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your hands on the ground.
2. Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a push up position and jump back up again as fast as possible.
3. Repeat for the required repetitions
Adductor stretch with crunch
1. Start by laying on top of the ball with the small of your back being on top of the ball.
2. Next place your legs on the wall and spread them apart until a slight stretch is felt in your adductors.
3. Once stabilized proceed into a crunch and then return to the starting position.
4. Repeat this movement for the desired repetitions.
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench.
3. Return to start position.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Situp Hold
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Now hold for prescribed number of seconds.
3. Return to start position.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Lying Hip Flexion on Disc
1. Lie back onto floor with balance disc under your lower back and hips and both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2. Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3. Start position: Raise both legs so that they are flexed 90 degrees at the hip.
4. Slowly lower one leg almost parallel to the floor
5. Return to start position and repeat with other leg.
6. Remember to maintain stability in lower back throughout movement by keeping abdominal muscles contracted - DO NOT ARCH LOWER BACK.
Pushup on extreme balance board
1. Start by placing your hands on a balance board and your feet on the ground
2. Move into a plank position and maintain your balance by extending your arms.
3. Proceed to bend your elbows while maintaining your balance until your elbows are bent to about 90 degrees.
4. Extend your elbows until you reach full extension.
5. Keep your abs drawn in tight to maintain good technique.
Seated Balance on BOSU ball
1. Start by sitting on a BOSU ball or balance board and balance disc.
2. Raise your hands up off the ground and then your legs until you are balancing.
3. Keep your abs tight to maintain your balance.
4. Hold for the prescribed time and then repeat.
Prone Knee Tuck on ball
1. Start in a push up position with your feet on top of a stability ball.
2. Slowly bring your knees in towards your chest and then return to the starting position.
3. When your legs are extended make sure to keep your hips parallel with your body and do not let them sag towards the ground.
1. Get into a pushup position with your feet on a bench.
2. Raise your right knee towards your left shoulder as you rotate your hips up and to the left as far as you can.
3. Then reverse direction and rotate your hips up and to the right. Try to touch your right foot to the back of your left shoulder. You will not physically be able to do this.
4. That is one rep and continue for the prescribed repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.
Air Bike Crunches
1. Start by lying on your back with your hands behind your back and thighs bent 90 degrees at your hip.
2. Simultaneously curl your right shoulder and left knee up towards the center of your body until your elbow and knee touch. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
3. Continuously repeat this pattern for the prescribed repetitions.
Ball Transfer Crunch
1. Start by lying on your back with a stability ball held between your legs and your arms directly above your head.
2. Simultaneously raise your legs with the ball and your shoulders up towards the ceiling.
3. At the top grab the ball with your arms and return to the starting position with the ball in your hands.
4. Repeat this movement and transfer the ball back to your feet.
5. Repeat for the required repetitions.
Belly Blaster
1. Start in a plank position with your elbows and forearms on the ground, your body parallel to the floor and up on your toes.
2. Make sure your belly button is drawn in toward your spine and raise your hips up into the air and hold for a 1 second count.
3. Return to the starting and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Long Lever Crunches
1. Lie on your back with your arms over your head and knees bent with feet flat on the floor.
2. Curl your shoulders up and towards your knees keeping your arms overhead.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Full Situp with Twist
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. As you come up twist one shoulder towards the opposite knee.
3. Return to start position and repeat with the other shoulder.
4. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
Decline Reverse Crunch
1. Lie on a decline bench with your head at the top and feet towards the floor.
2. Keeping your legs semi straight curl them up towards your head and try to curl your hips up off the bench when you reach the top.
3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat keeping your legs in control at all times.
Elbow Stabilization
1. Form a plank position with your elbows and your feet keeping your body parallel to the floor.
2. Keeping your trunk tight and parallel lift up one elbow and rotate your trunk and shoulders.
3. Hold for a count of 2 and then return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm.
4. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Hip Thrusts
1. Lie on your back with your legs bent 90 degrees at the hip.
2. Slowly lift your hips off the floor and towards the ceiling.
3. Lower your hips to the floor and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Bench Reverse Crunch
1. Start by lying on your back and holding onto the bench with your hands above your head.
2. Keeping your knees bent to 90 degrees left your legs up off the ground and bring your knees up and towards your shoulders.
3. Your range of motion should be far enough so that your hips curl back towards your shoulders as well. Lift your legs and hips with control to avoid jerky motions that create momentum.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.
Pushup Superman w/ Alternating Arms
1. Starting Position: Start the movement in a plank position. Holding that position raise your right arm and left leg off of the ground.
2. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm and leg. Hold each lift for 1-2 seconds.
Straight Arm Pushup Hold
1. Starting Position: Start the movement in a pushup position.
2. Extend your arms into a pushup.
3. Hold that position for the prescribed number of seconds.
Flutter Kicks
1. Lie back onto floor or bench with both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2. Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3. Start position: Straighten both legs so that they are perpendicular to floor.
4. Slowly lower one leg to approximately 45-90°.
5. Return to start position and repeat with other leg.
Lateral flexion on balance disc
1. Lie on your side with a balance disc under your hip.
2. Laterally flex your body so that you raise your upper body off the floor. You will only raise up a couple of inches.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat. Perform with other side.
Bicycle Kicks
1. Lie on your back with your knees at chest level and your arms flat on the floor.
2. Alternate extending your legs by extending one leg out straight and as you bring it in extend the other leg out.
3. Continue to repeat this process like you are riding a bicycle until the required repetitions are completed.
4. Make sure you keep your back flat during the movement. If you are unable to keep your back flat then reduce the extension of your legs.
Bridge (Plank) on elbows
1. Start by lying face down on the ground. Place your elbows and forearms underneath your chest.
2. Prop yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms.
3. Maintain a flat back and do not allow your hips to sag towards the ground.
4. Hold for the required time limit or until you can no longer maintain a flat bridge.
Double Leg Pressouts
1. Start by lying on your back with your knees towards your chest and your arms flat on the ground.
2. Keeping your back flat throughout the movement kick your legs out and away until they are almost straight.
3. Bring your legs back in and repeat for the required number of repetitions.
4. If you are unable to keep your back flat on the floor throughout the movement shorten the distance that your legs extend until you get stronger.
Side Bridge
1. Start on your side and press up with your right arm.
2. Form a bridge with your arm extended and hold for the prescribed number of repetitions.
3 point rollout on ball
1. Place your forearms on top of the ball and your feet anchored on the floor.
2. Keep your trunk in a parallel position and draw your belly button in towards your spine.
3. Slowly extend your arms out away from your body and then bring them back in towards your chest.
4. Do not let your hips drop below parallel. If this happens do not extend your arms as far. Your arms should only be extended as far as you can without dropping your hips below parallel.
Plank Knee-ins
1. Start by getting on your hands and knees in a push-up position.
2. Keeping your abs tight and your trunk parallel bring one knee in towards your chest.
3. Return the foot back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
Abdominal Strengthening
1. Lay on your back with knees bent. Place a towel in the small of your back. Keep your lower back pressed against the towel.
2. Tighten abdominal muscles and hold.
In one continuous move, slowly straighten left leg, pause, and then bring it back to the starting position. Do the same with right leg. Let your heels slide across the floor.
3. Maintain tightened abdominals as you alternate legs.
4. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Unilateral Leg Raise on balance disc
1. Lie back onto floor on top of a balance disc with both knees bent and feet flat. Place hands at sides.
2. Contract abdominal muscles continuously to stabilize trunk (or tuck stomach in by drawing naval in towards spine). Lower back should be in a neutral position.
3. Start position: Straighten both legs so that they are perpendicular to floor.
4. Slowly lower one leg to approximately 45°.
5. Return to start position and repeat.
6. Remember to maintain stability in lower back throughout movement by keeping abdominal muscles contracted - DO NOT ARCH LOWER BACK. To increase intensity, lower legs past 45° without touching floor as long as trunk stability is maintained.
Side Plank
1. Lay on the ground on one side. Raise your body using one forearm and support it in this raised position for the required time.
2. Lower your body and repeat on the other side.
3. Remember to keep your head, neck and body in a straight line.
Supine Double Leg Raise
1. Start by lying on your back and a slight bend in your knees.
2. Raise your legs to a perpendicular position to the floor. This is your starting position.
3. Slowly lower your legs until you are no longer able to keep your abs tight and your low back on the floor.
4. Raise your legs back up to the starting position and repeat.
5. Only lower your legs as far as your abs have enough strength for.
Isometric Abdominal
1. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent.
2. Hollow out your stomach by sucking in your abdominal muscles.
3. Tighten abdominal muscles in this position.
4. Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat.
Elevated Prone Hip Extension
1. Start by placing your hands on the ground and your feet up on the wall.
2. Proceed to bring one knee in towards your chest and then kick your leg using your glute back onto the wall.
3. Repeat for the desired repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.
SOURCE: http://www.iwantsixpackabs.com/bodyweight/core_exercises.html
If you want more frugal exercise advice you can get lots of free advice on this website. I started my frugal exercise section in an effort to provide advice for people who cannot afford to hire a personal trainer (like me). That way you get some of the benefits of having a personal trainer, but without the costs. If you do live in Downtown Toronto and want a personal trainer you could hire me, but chances are you don't even live in Toronto and are just looking for free advice. In which case, absolutely, help yourself to all the advice on this website.
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- Exercising while on Vacation
- Why Calcium Rocks!
- Injuries Vs Fitness: 7 Tips to getting Back on you...
- 5 Reasons Why you should Exercise in the Morning
- Why You Should Count Calories
- What should I look for in a personal trainer?
- The Benefits of Walking Sticks