12 Exercise New Years Resolutions

#1. Try more Fun Exercises that get you outdoors. eg. Archery!

#2. Go jogging / cycling in the morning or after work daily.

#3. Exercise for 30 minutes every day.

#4. Make a daily exercise routine that is fun and you enjoy doing.

#5. Get an exercise partner and make exercise part of your socialization.

#6. Join a sports group / club so you can exercise and socialize at the same time.

#7. Take up a winter sport. eg. Road Hockey.

#8. Take up a summer activity. eg. Snorkeling.

#9. Keep a daily log of your physical activity (and your eating habits). Counting calories doubles your chances of success.

#10. Take up weightlifting and build strength / endurance.

#11. Stay motivated to exercise all year round by rewarding yourself every 20th time you exercise.

#12. Hire a Personal Trainer - Not just to help motivate you, but also to help you exercise more efficiently and challenge yourself to achieve your goals.

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